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Wages & Hours

Court OKs mandatory tip pools for those who serve customers

The Court of Appeal of California has finally answered a vexing question: Employers can order em­­ployees who receive direct customer tips to turn over some of the money to be redistributed to other employees who provide additional services.

In Chino, having too few time clocks costs $1 million

The California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement has slapped citations worth more than $1 million on a warehouse company in Chino, alleging that 865 employees were cheated out of overtime pay they had earned, and didn’t get required 30-minute meal breaks.

Study: Popular kids in high school earn more as adults

Popularity pays in the form of a fatter paycheck, according to a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

State proposal would cover municipalities’ military leave


Many of the police officers, firefighters and paramedics in Minne­­sota municipalities are members of the military reserves and National Guard. When those workers are de­­ployed for military service, towns and cities often have to pay overtime to remaining first responders. A bill before the state Legislature would provide state funds to municipalities to cover those additional costs.

Clearly label delivery fee ‘not a gratuity’

If your business delivers food and adds a small delivery charge, make extra sure customers understand the fee is not a gratuity.

When equipment must start up, when does work begin?

Q. When our employees come in to work, they spend part of their time getting their equipment running. Do we need to compensate them for that time?

Eye care company sees the error of its pay ways

Fort Worth-based Alcon Laboratories has agreed to pay $199,443 in back wages to 342 assemblers, material handlers and production technicians at its Houston facility.

Obama’s $9 minimum wage bill unlikely to pass

President Obama began a public push last month for Con­­gress to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00 per hour. Outlook: The proposal will have a tough time getting out of the House.

Caterer to serve up $278,000 in back wages and fines

Eight years after being flagged for similar violations, Long Island’s Chateau Briand catering company has been burned again for illegal pay practices.

Mother Monster’s personal assistant seeks more OT pay

Lady Gaga’s former personal assistant wants the flamboyant performer and cultural phenomenon to cough up another $400,000 in back overtime pay. Claiming she was on call 24/7, the assistant’s lawsuit says she should have been paid overtime for 128 hours per week in addition to her $75,000 a year salary.