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Wages & Hours

How to reduce wage-and-hour lawsuit risks (and defend yourself if sued)

During a recent 12-month period, more than 7,750 wage-and-hour lawsuits were filed in federal courts, an increase of almost 10% over the preceding 12 months. Pennsylvania once again ranked among the top 10 states for such new lawsuits. The good news: There are ways for employers to reduce the risk of wage-and-hour suits, and strengthen their defenses if one is filed.

Directory assistance giant settles wage suit for $1.3M

Kgb USA will pay $1.3 million to 14,568 workers across the country it misclassified as independent contractors. The company paid the ­workers piece rate for each text message they responded to, regardless of how many hours they worked.

5 arrested in Philadelphia protest over ‘wage thefts’

Five Philadelphia University security guards sat down in traffic to protest what they call wage theft by their employer, McGinn Security. The guards claim McGinn has failed to pay proper over­­time and illegally requires officers to commute to company offices on their own time to complete citations.

Prepare to pay top dollar for top tech talent

Technology salaries jumped by 5% last year, more than they have in a decade, according to a compensation survey by Dice, a career site for technology and engineering professionals.

Is a minimum wage hike on the way?

Q. Is it true that the California state minimum wage is increasing soon?

With DLSE enforcement up, get your pay practices in order

California Labor Commissioner Julie Su has issued a report summarizing the enforcement activity of the Division of Labor Standards Enforce­­ment in 2011 and 2012. Its conclusion: The DLSE has significantly increased the number and scope of its enforcement actions during the first two years of Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration.
Our conclusion: Now more than ever, employers should ensure that their pay practices comply with Cali­­for­­nia law.

Adult care facilities cited for wage theft violations

Three Bay Area adult care facilities face nearly $600,000 in fines for not paying overtime or the minimum wage and failing to provide meal breaks.

When terminating or laying off employees, be sure to pay out accrued leave

California wage-and-hour law requires employers that provide vacation benefits to pay out unused vacation immediately upon termination. However, there’s an exception for union workplaces if the employer and union clearly and unmistakably agree to waive that payment.

Temp nursing firm settles wage claims for $1.77 million

U.S. Nursing Corp., a temp agency that provides replacement nurses to hospitals when staff go on strike, has agreed to pay $1.77 million to settle a class-action lawsuit filed by California employees.

Court to decide: Are meal-break waivers legal?

Here’s an important case to watch if some of your em­­ployees can’t take regular meal breaks. The Court of Appeal of California will soon determine if an agreement requiring employees to eat while working (and being paid) violates California labor codes for one class of employees.