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Wages & Hours

Still no word from DOL on release of new OT rules for supervisors

The long-whispered, unofficial goal had been a February 2015 release of these new overtime rules. February came and went, and Labor Department officials are tight-lipped about when the rules will be released and what’s taking so long.

Watch out for, prepare to fix, these 6 common overtime pay errors

Failing to properly pay for all overtime hours worked could result in more financial harm than good. Here are six payroll pitfalls you must avoid.

Walmart voluntarily raises its minimum wage to $9

Retail giant Walmart has announced it will raise its minimum wage to $9 an hour,  and vowed that by February 2016, 500,000 of its employees will be earning at least $10 per hour.

Compensation is probably a mystery to your employees

Chances are, less than half of your employees have any idea how your compensation system works. Polled by the nonprofit total-rewards organization WorldatWork, large numbers of HR pros confessed that they have generally done a poor job of explaining how their organizations decide how much to pay people.

California Supreme Court rules on pay for on-call and sleep time

The California Supreme Court has held that the on-call hours for security guards who work 24-hour shifts constituted compensable hours worked. The court also ruled that the guards’ employer could not exclude “sleep time” from the guards’ 24-hour shifts.

Federal judge strikes raises for home health workers

One of President Obama’s attempts to stimulate the economy has been nixed by a federal court.

New California law requires pay for rest or recovery periods

SB 1360, passed late in 2014, requires employers to pay employees for recovery periods taken during hot weather.

Good intentions don’t matter: You’ll pay if you compensate men and women differently

Employers that don’t pay men and women the same for substantially identical work violate the Equal Pay Act (EPA). The employer’s intent doesn’t matter. What matters is that the pay is unequal. The EPA is a strict liability statute, as one of the world’s most gender-equitable nations learned when it was sued in Minnesota.

Worker underreports hours? You still owe OT

Do you have clear policies stating that employees can’t work off the clock, must record all hours worked and must report to HR any supervisor who demands early clock-outs? Good! However, that doesn’t mean you’re immune to a wage-and-hour lawsuit.

Be sure you can justify reason why promoted worker didn’t get raise


Most employees who are promoted see that as a vote of confidence and assume their new responsibilities will include more money or other tangible benefits. But what if you don’t want to raise pay?