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Wages & Hours

Survey: High school athletes have higher incomes later

Adults who were high school athletes tend to have higher incomes, according to a new Harris Interactive poll. Fifteen percent of adults who participated in athletics have personal incomes greater than $100,000, compared to just 9% of those who did not participate.

From salaried to hourly: How do we set his pay?

Q. We have an employee going from a full-time salaried position to part-time hourly. To set his hourly rate, do we have to divide his salary by 2080 (40 hours per week for a year)?

Pay for required desk time–even if no work is happening

Gary worked as a clerk at a motel in which he lived. He was required to sit at the front desk for an eight-hour shift, but the motel only paid him for the “busy” time when guests checked in or out. Gary sued, alleging wage-and-hour violations.

May our employees pool their tips?

Q. The waitstaff in our restaurant pools tips with the dishwashers and hosts. Is this OK?

Do we have to pay overtime for hours an employee spent out on sick leave?

Q. Last week, an employee was out sick on Monday but worked 40 hours Tuesday through Friday. She would like to use her sick leave for Monday and claim overtime for those Monday hours. Must I pay her overtime for those hours?

Unauthorized OT? Pay up … and then discipline

Employers must pay hourly employees for all overtime worked, whether it was authorized or not. So what’s the best way to discourage employees from working unauthorized OT?

Still no word from DOL on release of new OT rules for supervisors

The long-whispered, unofficial goal had been a February 2015 release of these new overtime rules. February came and went, and Labor Department officials are tight-lipped about when the rules will be released and what’s taking so long.

Watch out for, prepare to fix, these 6 common overtime pay errors

Failing to properly pay for all overtime hours worked could result in more financial harm than good. Here are six payroll pitfalls you must avoid.

Walmart voluntarily raises its minimum wage to $9

Retail giant Walmart has announced it will raise its minimum wage to $9 an hour,  and vowed that by February 2016, 500,000 of its employees will be earning at least $10 per hour.

Compensation is probably a mystery to your employees

Chances are, less than half of your employees have any idea how your compensation system works. Polled by the nonprofit total-rewards organization WorldatWork, large numbers of HR pros confessed that they have generally done a poor job of explaining how their organizations decide how much to pay people.