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Wages & Hours

Failure to pay overtime costs SoCal firm $344,000

C&H Collins-Hartwell Programs, a Southern California provider of medical day care, must pay 32 employees $344,000 in back pay and damages after the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found it only paid straight time to workers who worked more than 40 hours in a week.

Lawsuit says Handy cleans up at its contractors’ expense

A lawsuit filed in California alleges that Handy, the sharing economy’s version of a cleaning service, is playing dirty with its workers. Like its brethren—Uber, Taskrabbits and others—the company uses independent contractors instead of employees.

California seafood restaurant on the hook for $185,000

Employees of the Seafood Peddler restaurant in San Rafael have netted $185,000 after a jury determined the restaurant and its owner retaliated against them for cooperating with a U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigation into the eatery’s pay practices.

Court spots the problem: Troubleshooting complex machinery isn’t exempt work

With technological advances, just about every job involves using computers or computerized machinery. That doesn’t mean an employee whose job it is to repair such equipment is an exempt computer professional. Fixing things like printers and copiers—even the most technologically advanced ones—is hourly work, making the employee eligible for overtime.

Wrong classified employees as exempt? Don’t take shortcuts when fixing your error

Employers must follow strict rules if they want to rectify misclassification of employees and make up their unpaid overtime. Don’t expect to just cut them a check and put a note on the paystub.

Keep on top of litigation or face instant liability

One of the worst things you can do when facing a lawsuit is to ignore legal paperwork that comes your way. As one employer recently learned, missing a single deadline can mean you have no defense and simply have to cough up damages.

DOL wins in Supreme Court, readies new white-collar OT rules

The Department of Labor (DOL) has been in the news lately, with a big win in the U.S. Supreme Court and word that it will soon—finally—release new proposed overtime regulation for white-collar employees.

‘Volunteers’ referred from courts aren’t employees

Here’s some good news for nonprofit employers using individuals referred from the court system for community service credits. They’re not employees and therefore you aren’t obligated to pay them under the FLSA for the ‘work’ they do.

NYC pizza franchisee sliced paychecks too thin

The owner of five Manhattan Papa John’s pizza franchises will be out a little dough after a state court ruled he didn’t properly pay his delivery people.

OT rulings may lead to worker clock-watching

After a series of rulings dismissing overtime claims that didn’t specify exact alleged overtime worked, word is likely to get out that there’s a new, convenient way to track those hours.