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Wages & Hours

Snapshot: Who benefits from DOL’s new white-collar overtime pay rules?

The Department of Labor says new federal rules will make 4.2 million more white-collar workers eligible for overtime pay.

Do OT rules mean end of exempt part-timers?

The new overtime rules for white-collar employees could force some employers to reconsider allowing part-time work for exempt staff—or to seek ways to reclassify those positions as nonexempt.

Bonus time is headache time for the professionals in payroll

If you’ll be paying nonexempts an annual bonus this month, and they’ve worked overtime during the year, you need to go back over the entire year, figure those bonuses into their regular rates of pay and then refigure their overtime rates. Let’s do the math.

That didn’t take long: GOP seeks to overturn rules

Two efforts are already underway in Congress to block the Department of Labor’s new rules raising the white-collar overtime salary threshold.

Business interests pan DOL rule doubling overtime salary threshold

The Department of Labor’s May 18 announcement of final rules on white-collar overtime eligibility drew swift reaction.

California’s $15 minimum wage is here, compliance dates are coming

In March, the California legislature approved the nation’s highest statewide minimum wage.

Worker satisfaction at highest level in 10 years

More U.S. workers seem to be satisfied with their jobs than at any time since 2005. But do they have everything they want?

Workers discover best way to give themselves a raise

Many employers feel they need to switch jobs to make more money.

OT rules are here! 5 steps you must take now

If you aren’t already geared up to respond to the Department of Labor’s new rules on white-collar overtime, you are already way behind.

New overtime rules may kill telecommuting

The buzz in Washington suggests the new Department of Labor rules on white-collar overtime will be released within days.