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Wages & Hours

Tell government employees before reducing their pay

Public employees have constitutional property rights in employment and are entitled to advance notice before their salaries are cut.

What are the limits for meal and lodging credits for employer-provided housing in Calif.?

Q. Our company often deducts the costs of meals and lodging from live-in employees’ minimum wages. How much can we credit meals and lodging against minimum wage in California?

Can we use a tip credit in California?

Q. We are expanding out hospitality chain into California. What is the maximum tip credit we will be able to deduct from servers in California?

Predictable scheduling rule takes effect in Emeryville, Calif.

San Francisco’s famously employee-friendly ordinances continue to set the standard in neighboring cities.

Minnesota state court allows common law claim for unpaid wages

A federal court in Minnesota has allowed a lawsuit to proceed based on the concept that unpaid time spent at work can be the basis for an unjust enrichment wage claim.

Acosta: DOL to begin new round of OT rules revision

Brace yourself for an epic do-over of the salary-threshold rules that determine which white-collar workers are eligible for overtime pay.

DOL pulls Obama-era wage & hour guidance

The U.S. Department of Labor is pulling the plug on two pieces of informal guidance affecting independent contractor misclassification and joint employment that were issued during the Obama administration.

Walmart enlists store staff for home delivery

Walmart, the nation’s largest bricks-and-mortar retailer, is launching a novel delivery service to help counter competition from online retail giant Amazon.

Snapshot: Millennials most satisfied with pay

A recent survey found that 61% of employees consider compensation a “very important” contributor to job satisfaction.

How should we track and manage work-at-home time for nonexempt employees?

Q. We try to be a flexible workplace and sometimes get requests from employees to work from home for a day or two during school breaks and so on. I don’t have a problem with this for exempt employees, but what about hourly ones? How do we track that time?