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Wages & Hours

New York proposes rules on paying for unpredictable schedules


Employers in New York will be subject to new “call-in” pay and scheduling requirements under recently proposed state regulations. The issue is “just-in-time” or “on-demand” scheduling of workers.

Beware automatic deductions for meal times


Take note if you automatically deduct meal periods from your hourly employees’ total hours worked: Although those deductions don’t violate the Fair Labor Standards Act, they can be dangerous.

Half of Americans earn $18 per hour or less

Half of American jobs pay less than $18 per hour, an inflation-adjusted rate that has barely budged in 17 years.

Salaries steady in ’18; variable pay rising

Even as the economy strengthens and the job market remains tight, U.S. employers are holding the lid on salary increases—and they plan to do the same in 2018.

Consider paying a little extra on termination

Do you think you may have slightly underpaid an employee who is being terminated? Paying her a little extra as she heads out the door may fix that problem without penalty, based on California wage payment rules.

Workers all over agree: 9-to-5 is a thing of the past

The traditional eight-hour workday may soon be the exception rather than the rule, and Washington, D.C. is paving the way for change.

Must we pay a premium on holidays?

Q. I have chosen to keep my business open on Labor Day. Must I pay employees who work on Labor Day (and other holidays) premium holiday pay?

Do we have to close on Labor Day?

Q. This is our busiest time of the year, and we really can’t afford to give our employees Labor Day off. Is it illegal to have employees work on Labor Day?

EPA suit could require turning over extensive pay records

Former employees claiming Equal Pay Act violations may force employers to produce not just past payroll information, but also after-the-fact pay data.

DOL to survey construction firms in Eastern Pennsylvania

The U.S. Department of Labor will be surveying construction firms in 25 Eastern Pennsylvania counties over the coming months to collect salary data.