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Wages & Hours

Adapt work schedules to worship, religious TV shows included

Employers are required to adjust work schedules to accommodate their employees’ religious observances, even for nontraditional beliefs. In a recent case, an employee …

Plan any deductions for personal calls


Q. We allow employees to use their company-issued cell phones for personal purposes up to a certain number of minutes every month. A recently discharged employee exceeded her monthly allotment. Can we recoup the cost of these extra minutes by withholding the amount from her last check? —P.P., South Carolina

Management meeting counts as work time


Q. Last week, we asked a nonexempt employee to come in 30 minutes before her regular start time to talk to her about a complaint that had come to our attention. Do we have to pay her for the time spent in discussions with management? —G.B., Kentucky

Extra travel time counts as work time


Q. One of our executives will be making day trips once a week to New York from Washington, D.C., for a special assignment, and her secretary will be accompanying her. The secretary’s regular workday is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The trips will require the secretary to arrive at the airport by 7:30 a.m., and she’ll be back in Washington by 8 p.m. Do we have to compensate the nonexempt secretary for her travel time to and from New York? —L.L., Washington, D.C.

Lost the case? Ask for damages to be spelled out.

A former car dealership employee won an Americans with Disabilities Act case and a $1.05 million jury award for lost back wages, lost future wages …

Go the distance to deliver final paycheck


Q. Over the last six months, we have made several attempts to mail a former employee her last paycheck by certified mail. We believe that we have the correct address because we mailed her other items by regular mail during this period and none have been returned. What legal obligations do we have, if any, to get this check to her? —R.Y., Washington, D.C.

Pay former workers promptly; don’t wait for them to ask


Audra Wales called in sick to the Wendy’s restaurant where she worked on Jan. 11 and then showed up later that day to pick up her regular paycheck. During a dispute …

EEOC beefs up wage-bias arsenal

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is putting action behind its talk of cracking down on unequal pay. A new internal task force …

Congress clarifies: Stock options are benefits, not pay

If you give stock options to nonexempt workers, don’t worry that the additional compensation will drive up their overtime pay. President Clinton has signed legislation …

Recover training costs


Q. Can we require an employee to sign an agreement to reimburse the company for half the expenses related to training, if the employee resigns within six months? —S.D., Northern Marianas