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Wages & Hours

How can I keep track of overtime changes happening in Washington and Harrisburg?

Q. I know the U.S. Department of Labor has just released a new proposed rule changing the weekly salary that employees must receive to be classified as exempt. But didn’t I also read a few months ago that Pennsylvania is also changing the salary level?

Philadelphia restaurants agree to pay $1M wage settlement

The owners of two Philadelphia eateries apparently saw the writing on the wall after a trial on wage-theft charges began. They elected to settle the case before a jury had a chance to decide the matter.

Important questions and answers about the new overtime rule

Last month’s much-anticipated overhaul of the salary threshold that determines when administrative, executive and professional employees are eligible for overtime pay means employers must now consider potential changes to their compensation plans. Here are some key Q&As from a new DOL fact sheet on the proposed change.

Paycheck Fairness Act clears House of Representatives

The House of Representatives has passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation first introduced in 1997 that would prohibit employers nationwide from asking job applicants about their past or current pay.

New rules tackle rate of pay, joint employment

Regulators at the Department of Labor have been busy, issuing two new notices of proposed rulemaking in less than a week.

State OT thresholds may exceed new DOL rule

Employers in some states have—or will soon have—more than federal wage-and-hour compliance to worry about if their exempt employees work overtime.

Comments on overtime rule accepted until May 21

The clock has finally started ticking on the Department of Labor’s proposed rule raising the white-collar salary threshold to $35,308 per year.

DOL opinions on FMLA leave, volunteerism

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued new opinion letters addressing FMLA leave and compensation for employees who spend time volunteering.

New OT rule: Bonuses may reduce liability

Employers that pay nondiscretionary bonuses and incentive payments, including commissions, on at least a yearly basis will be able to take a credit of up to 10% of the new minimum salary.

Does working a gig job rule out unemployment benefits?

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal of an unemployed worker who was denied unemployment compensation insurance benefits because he became an Uber driver after he was laid off.