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Wages & Hours

Tip-pooling with management violates FLSA

A restaurant required waiters to pool their tips and share them with busboys and managers who worked the floor. The waiters sued under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The employer …

Equal Pay Act: Erase the sex from your pay grades

THE LAW. The Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 prohibits employers from dishing out different wages or bene-fits on the basis of gender for “equal work on jobs (requiring) equal skill, …

Giving Exempt Employees Extra Pay Is Risky Business


Q. Our company pays overtime to salaried supervisors for hours they work over 40 in a week. I have never heard of this compensation practice. Is it legal? —C.H., Colorado

Accommodate Reduced Hours For Pregnant Worker


Q. I have a salaried employee who is pregnant. She brought in a doctor’s note that says her hours need to be cut to six per day. Can I either reduce her pay or have her work six days a week? —M.S., Virginia

Who Pays for Uniforms?


Q. We require employees to wear uniforms. Can we deduct from their paychecks the money to pay for the uniform or clean it? —L.B., Massachusetts

Sleeping on the job doesn’t pay–this time

The manager of a group home was required to work a regular, eight-hour day and remain at the home overnight. He was paid for a standard, 40-hour workweek and sued, alleging …

Feelings of exploitation, ‘e-overtime’ lead to rise in wage lawsuits

Taking work home and working off the clock is causing employees to feel they’re being taken advantage of by their employers. And letting the situation fester is contributing in a big …

Minimum wage: Brush up on your legal obligations

THE LAW. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires virtually all employers to pay at least a minimum wage, now $5.15 an hour, to all nonexempt employees. Many states also …

Comp Time for Exempt Workers: A Slippery Slope


Q. Is it legal to give our full-time, salaried employees extra time off from work due to meetings and extra workload responsibilities? —C.E., West Virginia

More companies opt for mandatory vacation, but is it legal?

Continuing a cost-cutting step they took last year, some companies, especially tech firms, are again asking employees to take mandatory vacations. The forced time off, paid or not, is catching …