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Wages & Hours

Make Sure ‘Manual Punch’ Counts Correct Hours


Q. We use a timecard punch-in/punch-out system. If an employee forgets to punch in, and we manually do it, do any labor laws apply? —B.B., New York

Nonunion shops: You can be liable for ‘unfair labor practices’

Before you lash out against workers who rise up against a pay issue or other working condition, stop yourself. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects employees’ rights to engage in …

Don’t Treat Disciplinary Suspensions as ‘Admin Leave’


Q. We recently sent an employee home for not following his supervisor’s instructions. Do we have an obligation to pay him for the full day regardless? How should we handle this situation in the future? Is this considered administrative leave? —D.M., California

Defuse the 5 biggest telecommuter legal threats

Issue: Telecommuters pose unique legal risks, and courts are still figuring out what employers are liable for.
Risk: Complaints and lawsuits over workers’ comp, overtime, discrimination …

Unionized or not, beware of ‘unfair labor practices’

Issue: Punishing workers for protesting work conditions could constitute “unfair labor practices”, even if your work force isn’t unionized.
Risk: Defending an NLRA claim …

Consider paying staff if computer error halts work


Q. Is it OK not to pay hourly employees if we have to send them home because our computer system went down for the day? —J.B., Massachusetts

You have new ammunition against ‘Collective action’ overtime lawsuits


When slapped with a pay-related lawsuit, the last thing you want is for other employees and ex-employees to piggyback on that suit, creating a big "collective action" case. Good news: AA new court ruling highlights a successful defense against such suits …

Use telecommuters? Defuse 5 main lawsuit threats

Telecommuting is popular with employers and employees. Com-panies with telecommuting programs can realize productivity gains, im-proved morale …

Pay for After-Hours Event if It’s Work-Related


Q. Can we require full-time nonexempt employees to attend work-related functions after regular hours? If so, should this time be compensated? —M.A., Texas

Pay for ‘donning and doffing,’ not waiting

Issue: Should you pay employees for time spent putting on and taking off work clothes?
Benefit: Recent court case limits your obligations under so-called “donning and doffing” laws …