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Wages & Hours

Consider paying staff if computer error halts work


Q. Is it OK not to pay hourly employees if we have to send them home because our computer system went down for the day? —J.B., Massachusetts

You have new ammunition against ‘Collective action’ overtime lawsuits


When slapped with a pay-related lawsuit, the last thing you want is for other employees and ex-employees to piggyback on that suit, creating a big "collective action" case. Good news: AA new court ruling highlights a successful defense against such suits …

Use telecommuters? Defuse 5 main lawsuit threats

Telecommuting is popular with employers and employees. Com-panies with telecommuting programs can realize productivity gains, im-proved morale …

Pay for After-Hours Event if It’s Work-Related


Q. Can we require full-time nonexempt employees to attend work-related functions after regular hours? If so, should this time be compensated? —M.A., Texas

Pay for ‘donning and doffing,’ not waiting

Issue: Should you pay employees for time spent putting on and taking off work clothes?
Benefit: Recent court case limits your obligations under so-called “donning and doffing” laws …

New overtime rules facing delays

Don’t expect the Labor Department’s proposal to revamp the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime provisions to take effect anytime soon. Labor received thousands of comments on the rules, proposed in March …

Do interns have to be paid?


Q. We plan on hiring a college intern this year. Do we have to pay that person? —L.M., New York

You can require mandatory overtime


Q. A new employee has just informed his supervisor that he can’t work any overtime. Can we legally fire this person? —G.M., Virginia

Paying for travel time: Know the rules of the road

Issue: Paying nonexempt workers for travel time can be tricky, especially if it involves several work sites or overnight travel.
Risk: Thousands of dollars, or more, in back pay …

Don’t change benefits without union’s knowledge.

For more than 30 years, a company sponsored blood donation drives twice a year. Employees could participate during paid work time. But when the com-pany changed its policy, …