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Wages & Hours

Heed new driving-time limits for truck drivers

If you employ commercial truck drivers, take note of new federal rules governing how much time they can drive before having to take breaks.
The U.S. Transportation Department rules took …

Supreme Court preview: Key FLSA, bias cases on tap

While much of the recent U.S. Supreme Court drama has swirled around who will serve on the court, employers are looking forward to key employment-law cases that the court will hear …

You can track hours for exempt and nonexempt staff


Q. We have mechanics who work on a straight commission basis. Do we need to track their hours? —E.D., Nevada

When must you pay nonexempt employees for travel?

Issue: Many employers are baffled about how to pay nonexempt employees when they travel locally or on overnight trips.
Risk: Mistakes could spark anything from mild complaints to class-action lawsuits, …

Brace for higher state minimum wages

Currently, 17 states set minimum wages above the $5.15 federal minimum and you can expect that number to rise. Two key reasons: The increasing pain at the gas pump and expected …

You can cut wages for ‘Maxed Out’ employees


Q. We have some employees who are earning the maximum salary for their job classifications. Can we cut their pay if we feel they’re overpaid? —D.N., Colorado

Know your ADA duty to employees with cancer

The EEOC just published a Q&A document explaining when cancer is a qualified disability under the ADA and how you should accommodate employees with cancer. Reasonable accommodations may include intermittent leave, …

Beware misclassifying assistants and computer pros

The Labor Department’s revised overtime regulations that define which white-collar employees are “exempt” employees (not eligible for overtime pay) and “nonexempt’ employees (eligible for overtime) turn one year old in August. …

Don’t punish employees for wrong drug-Test hunch


Q. We suspected an employee was using drugs, so we sent him to be tested. We told him he couldn’t work until the test came back in two days. The results were negative. What financial responsibility do we have? Do we owe him lost wages for those two days? —L.B., North Carolina

Pay employees for their ‘pre-work’ work

When employees arrive and prepare their workstations for the day ahead, does that count as compensable time? Yes, as one employer found out the hard way last month. Humana must pay …