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Wages & Hours

Any risk of not reducing demoted worker’s pay?

Q. We moved a salaried supervisor to a rank-and-file hourly position, but we left him at the higher salary. Now, several co-workers are complaining that they’re being paid less for the same job and grumbling about discrimination. The co-workers are of different nationalities than the former supervisor. Should we raise the co-workers’ salaries if we want to be as cautious as possible to avoid a lawsuit?

Beware wage-and-hour lawsuits that might suddenly turn into class actions

Here’s another reason to make sure you are carefully following the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime rules: Just one disgruntled and allegedly underpaid employee can file a class-action lawsuit and get the court to authorize contacting all other similarly situated workers to join in as plaintiffs.

Pay for time spent in disciplinary meeting?

Q. Last week, we asked a worker to come in early to discuss a complaint about her work that had come to our attention. We issued her a written warning. We did not pay her for the approximately 30 minutes we spent with her before she was scheduled to come in to work. Now, she’s threatening a wage-and-hour complaint. Did we make a mistake?

DOL: Belmont, Saratoga horse trainer broke H-2B visa rules

It’s no secret that the Trump administration is tough on undocumented immigrants. But it’s also holding employers to account when they don’t follow the rules for visa-holding immigrants and temporary workers.

Snapshot: The closer the comparison, the smaller the pay gap

Nationwide, women earn about 18% less than men. But pay differentials shrink dramatically the more women have in common with male counterparts.

Highest-paid interns take home serious coin

Many of the nation’s top employers value the internship experience so much that they are willing to pay handsomely for college students to work for them over the summer or for a semester.

More than half of employers working to fix pay equity

60% of employers say they’ve actively worked in recent years to address pay inequality, according to a new Korn Ferry/WorldatWork survey.

Court upholds ‘13 Hour Rule’ for 24-hour home health aides

The New York State Court of Appeals has issued a ruling that will have a significant positive impact on home care agencies across the state.

Federal vs. New York overtime rules: Do board, lodging and other allowances count?

Q. Currently, to satisfy the New York state overtime rules, we include board, lodging and other allowances and facilities in that salary. We hit the $679 salary level contemplated in the federal DOL regs already if we include that amount. Do we have to back that amount off?

Start preparing now for new exempt overtime salary threshold

Employers interested in avoiding a big jump in their overtime costs should dust off plans they probably made in preparation for implementing the 2016 Obama-era proposed salary threshold rule.