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Wages & Hours

Commute isn’t on the clock, Even 100+ miles


Q. Should we pay for travel time if the employee’s drive from home to the first job site is a very long distance (example: Los Angeles to San Diego)? —L.S., California

No comp time for private firms; Flex time is OK


Q. Can you please clarify if and when we can offer comp time to our employees? I’m confused. —S.L., West Virginia

‘Cool’ music company creates transition plan for new moms


Detroit-based music company, Handleman Co., hosts impromptu concerts in the lobby and gives free CDs to employees. Such perks landed the firm on a list of 60 "Cool Places to Work" in Michigan. But cool wasn’t cutting it for the company’s working moms, who wanted more flexibility after having babies …

How to pay employee called in during PTO leave


Q. We have a nonexempt salaried employee who normally works Monday to Friday and is paid biweekly. She took a week’s vacation, which would come from her PTO (paid time off) bank. We had a customer emergency and called her into work on the Saturday of her vacation week. How should she be paid? Should she receive her PTO pay but have eight hours less of it charged against her PTO bank? Should she be paid for eight extra hours, plus her week of PTO pay? If we pay her both PTO and eight extra hours, do we have to pay her overtime? —W.M.

Clerical tasks don’t defeat administrative exemption


Here’s one more reason to double-check your job descriptions: Some exempt employees may try to claim they’re entitled to overtime pay simply because they spend a fair amount of time on filing and typing …

Understanding religious accommodations in Pennsylvania workplaces


Pennsylvania mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request "prayer breaks." Religious diversity is a reason for celebration in a pluralistic society, but it also presents challenges in the workplace …

Must you pay employees for the commute? Sometimes, yes


If you think you don’t have to start paying hourly employees until they arrive at the official job site, think again. While it’s true that you don’t normally need to compensate employees for their home-to-work commute, you might have to pay for the travel time if you impose restrictions on that commute or require them to stop along the way …

Hold firm on raises; salaries to rise 3.5 percent in ’07


Employers report that they’ll be dishing out average pay raises of 3.5 percent for exempt and nonexempt employees in 2007, the same level that they’re currently paying in 2006, according to a new Conference Board survey of 441 companies …

Obtain written OK for wage deductions


Q. Our company allows employees to purchase products on an installment basis. When employees quit and haven’t yet paid the full amount, can we deduct the remainder due from their last paycheck?—K.M., Pennsylvania

Rein in Rogue ‘Early-Clockers’


Q. We’ve repeatedly warned a part-time employee about clocking in earlier than he’s supposed to, sometimes more than an hour early. We know that we have to pay him for any hours worked, but what can we legally do to get him to work only the hours set for his position? —L.K., Missouri