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Wages & Hours

Must you pay workers for time spent learning English?


If you have non-English speaking employees, you may be making efforts to help improve their language skills. But in which cases must you pay employees for that training time? …

You can be held personally liable for wage payment errors


If you’re a decision-maker in your organization and exercise that power to withhold wages from an employee, you could find yourself personally liable to that employee if you get it wrong …

Williamhouse settles pay-Bias lawsuit with three employees


Envelope-maker Williamhouse of Pennsylvania settled a lawsuit with three supervisors who claimed they were underpaid because they are black …

Navigating Pennsylvania’s new minimum wage law


For many Pennsylvania employers, the state’s new minimum wage law taking effect Jan. 1, 2007, is straightforward: It raises the minimum wage they must pay employees to $6.25 per hour from the current federally mandated rate of $5.15. The law, however, has numerous loopholes that you need to know about

Injury while commuting doesn’t earn workers’ comp


Texas employees who are injured while commuting to their job sites aren’t eligible for workers’ compensation unless they can show that the employer paid for their commute or the transportation was within the employer’s control …

How to pay hourly workers for weekend travel time


Q. How do you pay hourly employees who are traveling on a day that’s not considered a workday, like Saturday or Sunday? What if they normally have a 10-minute commute to the office but instead they have to go to the airport, and the airport is an hour from their home?

Docking employee’s pay for missing laptop


Q. An employee who recently quit hasn’t returned a company-owned laptop computer worth over $1,000. Can we withhold the value of the computer from the employee’s last paycheck?

Florida minimum wage to rise to $6.67 at start of year


This coming holiday season, the state of Florida has a gift planned for workers. Effective Jan. 1, 2007, the Florida minimum wage is set to increase in accordance with the state constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2004 …

Mortgage brokers sued for overtime, FLSA violations


The U.S. Labor Department sued Alliance Mortgage Group and Credit Financial Services for allegedly owing more than $239,000 in back pay to about 200 loan officers it misclassified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act …

Prepare to pay overtime to some delivery drivers


You can no longer rely on the "motor carrier exemption" in the Fair Labor Standards Act to avoid paying overtime to delivery drivers who use vans and pickup trucks on their routes …