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Wages & Hours

Pay travel expenses for new, longer commute?


Q. One of our employees normally reports to a facility. But he’s out on workers’ comp and is doing light duty in the office, which is an extra hour of commuting time. I know we don’t have to pay for his commuting time, but what about his travel expenses? —M.T., Massachusetts

Unpaid helper or official employee? Beware blurry line


If you allow someone to perform work yet you never officially hire the person, don’t think you can avoid paying by calling her a volunteer. She’s your employee and must earn at least minimum wage …

Oral promise of extra pay is as binding as contract


In Georgia, employers that promise to pay a bonus, commission or other extra compensation to employees had better be prepared to follow through. Even though those promises aren’t in writing, employees may be likely to hold you to any supervisor’s spoken promises

Paying more for unskilled labor? You’re not alone


By now, you’ve adjusted your labor budget to accommodate New Jersey’s new minimum wage of $7.15 per hour, which took effect Oct. 1. Rest assured, you’re not alone …

Court Ruling May Ease Threat of Class-Action FLSA Suits


In recent years, employers have faced an onslaught of Fair Labor Standards Act class-action lawsuits over allegedly unpaid overtime. Now, a second district court in the 3rd Circuit has dismissed combined state and federal overtime class-action lawsuits

Must you pay workers for time spent learning English?


If you have non-English speaking employees, you may be making efforts to help improve their language skills. But in which cases must you pay employees for that training time? …

You can be held personally liable for wage payment errors


If you’re a decision-maker in your organization and exercise that power to withhold wages from an employee, you could find yourself personally liable to that employee if you get it wrong …

Williamhouse settles pay-Bias lawsuit with three employees


Envelope-maker Williamhouse of Pennsylvania settled a lawsuit with three supervisors who claimed they were underpaid because they are black …

Navigating Pennsylvania’s new minimum wage law


For many Pennsylvania employers, the state’s new minimum wage law taking effect Jan. 1, 2007, is straightforward: It raises the minimum wage they must pay employees to $6.25 per hour from the current federally mandated rate of $5.15. The law, however, has numerous loopholes that you need to know about

Injury while commuting doesn’t earn workers’ comp


Texas employees who are injured while commuting to their job sites aren’t eligible for workers’ compensation unless they can show that the employer paid for their commute or the transportation was within the employer’s control …