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Cheap eats help 1-800-Contacts recruit through employee referrals


Employees of 1-800-Contacts in Salt Lake City can feast on prime rib with Yukon Gold potatoes and a vegetable for just $2.50 in the company restaurant, a treat from their employer …

Flexibility is ‘Fundamental’ at Wisconsin accounting firm


Flexibility isn’t a program at accounting firm Jefferson Wells International, says Nadine Guirl, vice president of HR. It’s part of the company’s “fundamental structure”  …

Volunteers can sue for job discrimination


You may believe that interns, volunteers or other unpaid helpers aren’t official “employees” so they can’t sue for discrimination. You’d be wrong …

You can demand that staff work overtime, but be consistent


If your organization hits a busy time and needs employees to work long hours, don’t hesitate to require everyone to pitch in. Federal rules allow you to require nonexempt employees to work overtime, so long as you pay them time-and-a-half for hours worked above 40 in a week

Upcoming Supreme Court ruling could open floodgates for pay-Bias lawsuits


Hold onto those performance evaluations and internal memos that justify pay decisions a little longer. This is not the time to do a massive purge of employee files. Reason: An important U.S. Supreme Court case will decide how much time employees have to file charges alleging pay discrimination

Store managers can meet executive exemption without constant on-Site supervising of staff


The U.S. Labor Department issued an important opinion letter recently that clarifies the criteria that store managers must meet to qualify for the executive exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act. (Opinion Letter FLSA 2006-35) …

Overtime lawsuits rising: Don’t become the latest target


The U.S. Labor Department revamped the FLSA regulations in 2004 to help employers and employees understand the rules better. But, so far, the HR world has only seen more overtime lawsuits, not less …

Can you convert all employees to nonexempt?


Q. For years, we’ve always had salaried employees. But we have many employees who always come in late and leave early. This is hard to track. We are thinking of making them hourly employees and getting a time clock. If I make them all hourly employees, I know that I have to pay overtime, but it might be worth it. Can I legally change their status from exempt to hourly, or are some employees required to be salaried? —B.B., New York

Can you require workers to join the health plan?


Q. Can we require employees to be on our health insurance plan? We’re a small business and to meet the requirements for group insurance, we require all employees that aren’t covered by a spouse’s policy to enroll. We pay 75 percent of the premium. —G.P., Oklahoma