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Wages & Hours

Asking feds’ opinion won’t always erase FLSA penalty


Have you ever filed a request for an “opinion letter” with the U.S. Labor Department? It’s a handy tool that can help you dodge the penalty bullet if you’re later hit with an FLSA violation

Be aware of different OT rules for first responders


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires you to pay overtime to hourly employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek. But the rules are different for firefighters: They’re paid OT only after they work a specified number of hours in an entire month

New state law curbs day-Labor payroll deductions


Gov. Jon Corzine recently signed a bill that limits the amount of money that temporary service agencies can withhold from temps’ paychecks …

Found liable for discrimination? You’ll owe back pay, even if fired worker starts a new business


When employees lose their jobs because of alleged discrimination, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) can award them lost wages based on the difference between their past earnings and what they currently make as self-employed individuals, …

Study: Female directors not paid equally at western Pa. nonprofits


Men who lead nonprofits in western Pennsylvania earn about $42,000 more on average than women who do so, according to a recent study by the Robert Morris University’s Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management …

Failing to pay overtime? You could face a double whammy under federal and state law


New York employers should be aware of a potential double hit if they fail to pay employees the correct amount of overtime pay: The Fair Labor Standards Act entitles employees to double the amount of overtime pay they’re due, and the New York State Labor Law tacks on an additional 25 percent bonus

FLSA: Child Labor Rules


HR Law 101: The child labor provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act restrict the amount of time and conditions under which minors age 17 and younger are permitted to work …

FLSA: Exempt vs. Nonexempt Workers


HR Law 101: When a new hire comes on board, you must determine whether to classify him or her as exempt or nonexempt under the FLSA. The key consideration: Exempt workers aren’t eligible for overtime pay. Rather, they’re paid for the job they do, not the hours they keep …

FLSA: Classifying Exempt Workers


HR Law 101: To be considered exempt from overtime, an employee must generally be paid on a salary basis and his or her job duties must meet the Labor Department’s standards for one of the six exemption categories. Use this self-audit to test whether you’re properly classifying your workers as exempt under the FLSA …

Retail bosses needn’t be present to win executive exemption


In an important opinion letter issued recently, the U.S. Labor Department said store managers can retain their executive-exemption status (i.e., ineligible for overtime pay) even if they don’t physically supervise employees under their control on a regular basis