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Wages & Hours

New study turns up heat on child labor compliance


Many teenagers operate hazardous equipment at work and fail to receive appropriate safety training, according to a new study by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health …

Overqualified new hire? Look out for sex disparity


Have you offered a well-qualified applicant a lower-ranking position than her experience indicates she’s qualified to perform? If so, better make sure there’s no sex disparity in your hiring patterns …

Quickly correct payroll deduction errors to avoid gross-Negligence suits


Nothing upsets employees more than opening their pay envelopes and discovering their checks are for less money than they expected. But errors do happen. When they do, it’s important to act quickly to fix the problem …

N.J. working women earn petite paychecks


College-educated women in New Jersey earn 66 cents for every dollar earned by similarly educated men, the second-largest pay gap in the nation after Louisiana. Nationally, college-educated women average 69 cents on the dollar. …

Setting overtime with Pa. agency covers fed claim too


Good news for employers: If an employee files an overtime claim with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry and the department settles the case and collects wages for the employee, the employee can’t turn around and also sue under the FLSA …

Paying employees on commission? Clarify terms up front to defend against WPCL claims


The Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection Law (WPCL) allows employees to sue their employers for unpaid wages, including commissions and the like. Because the WPCL allows any wage contract claim, including oral agreements, it’s important for employers to clarify the terms up front and preferably in writing

Pa. working women earn petite paychecks


Women in Pennsylvania earn 73 cents for every dollar earned by men in similar positions, compared to the national average of 77 cents on the dollar …

Same job, new management: Are employees covered by the FMLA?


Q. What is the policy on FMLA for workers who are employed by a county facility that puts their contracts out for bids? Let’s say the workers are employed by the first successful bidder for, say, three years and then the contract is re-bid. Another company wins the bid, takes over the job and keeps the same employees. Do their hours worked carry over even though it is a different employer? I could not find a reference to this problem in the FMLA guidelines.

Pay for training time


Q. If our organization offers voluntary training to our employees and the training takes place during their lunch hour, do we have to pay the employees for the time spent attending the training? 

Goodyear pays $227,792 in back wages to Texas workers


The U.S. Labor Department (DOL) recently announced that Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., following a 2006 judgment, has paid 211 employees $227,792 in back wages. The wage awards went to current and former technicians at its Houston and Bayport chemical plants …