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Wages & Hours

Michigan’s minimum wage is higher than the federal rate


Q. The federal minimum wage increased in July. How does that relate to the minimum wage in Michigan? …

Exempt or nonexempt? Analyze your staff before a court does


When a new position is created, HR professionals typically make a snap decision on a vital issue: whether the person filling it should be deemed exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act—i.e., they’re not eligible for overtime pay—or whether they’re nonexempt—i.e., eligible for time-and-a-half overtime pay. In many cases, that’s the last time the exempt versus nonexempt decision is ever reviewed for that employee. Not smart …

Class action may be price for policies that invite off-the-Clock work


Does your organization have top-down policies that tacitly create incentives for hourly employees to work extra hours without pay? If so, you may be risking a class-action wage-and-hour lawsuit. That’s what happened to one large employer when a disgruntled hourly employee claimed the company practically forced him to work extra hours in order to keep his job …

Break concerns get airing before California labor commissioner


On Aug. 2, the California Labor Commission convened a public forum on the topic of meal and rest-break rules to address concerns from employees and employers that the current regulations create confusing and conflicting requirements …

Can we mandate direct deposit?


Q. To cut down on the administrative costs of issuing paychecks, my company would like to pay all its workers through a direct deposit to the bank of their choice. May we require our employees to accept their pay via direct deposit? …

Preparing for work: Pay depends on rules, employer benefit


Do your employees have to put on special uniforms or equipment before beginning work? If the law or your company policy requires it, chances are the time spent getting in and out of the clothing or equipment should be paid time …

Class-Action suit could cost French firm over $300M


Sanofi-aventis U.S., the American branch of a French pharmaceutical group, has been hit with a class-action sexual discrimination and harassment lawsuit. The four plaintiffs claim they were paid less and not promoted because of their gender. The women also say their bosses made unwelcome sexual comments and gestures, and management did not respond when they complained …

H-1B visa abuse costs Iselin tech company back wages, penalties


The U.S. Labor Department has ordered Technologies500, of Iselin, to pay $537,189 in back wages to 36 computer programmers it hired under the H-1B visa program. The software company, also known as Cybersoftec.com, failed to pay the workers prevailing wages from January 2004 to November 2005. The department also levied fines of $162,750 …

ADEA verdict flies after Boeing’s job offer falls flat


A former procurement-quality specialist for Boeing Company in Philadelphia does not have to accept reinstatement in lieu of front pay awarded by a jury in an age-discrimination suit, the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, has ruled …

Labor sues Texas company for FLSA overtime violations


The U.S. Labor Department sued Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. for violating the Fair Labor Standards Act by failing to pay approximately $3 million in overtime wages to more than 500 former and current employees. The department claims employee records at the company’s Dallas facility failed to show the number of hours the poultry-processing employees worked each day and the total number of hours they worked each week …