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Wages & Hours

Payday lenders fight consumer legislation

Two payday lenders threatened to shut down operations in Ohio after the state Senate approved a bill that would limit consumers to four short-term loans per year and cap interest rates at 28% …

Can I hire a home-Schooled teenager who doesn’t have a work permit?

Q. I am a small business owner. A 17-year-old who is not emancipated and has not graduated from high school recently approached me seeking full-time employment. She claims that, because she is home-schooled, she can work full-time year-round and does not have access to a work permit from her school. Can I legally hire this minor without the school certificate required by Ohio law? …

Attorney General Cuomo calls double dipping ‘Inexcusable’

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has subpoenaed the records of all 124 school districts on Long Island in an investigation of “double dipping” by administrators who received state pensions and were rehired for lucrative interim positions …

Hourly pay for highly paid workers

Q. We want to hire certain highly paid workers at an hourly rate, but we don’t want to pay overtime at time and a half. These workers would perform exempt duties for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act. What are our options? …

Penalties under the Colorado Wage Act

Q. We just received notice from a terminated worker that he believes we owe him money for unpaid commissions. What is our potential risk in this situation? …

Instruct supervisors to prohibit working off the clock

A Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime claim is one of the most dangerous lawsuits employers can face. If one or two employees claim they worked off the clock before or after punching the time clock, their attorneys may try to represent every employee companywide who did the same thing …

Can a credit card company garnish one of my employees’ wages?

Q. I have been contacted by a credit card company about garnishing the wages of one of my employees. Can a credit card company garnish wages in Texas?

Can we mandate paying via direct deposit?

Q. Can a Texas employer require its employees to accept payment of wages through an electronic transfer of funds? …

Are breaks required in North Carolina?

Q. Must a North Carolina employer allow its employees certain rest or meal periods? …

Good news: Employees have just two years to file sales commission complaints

It could have been the case that employer nightmares are made of—but the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals saved the day. Interpreting Indiana law, the federal court ruled that employees have just two years to sue over disputed sales commissions, not the 10 years a former employee argued for …