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Wages & Hours

UT-Austin study reveals academic gender gap in pay, promotions


The University of Texas at Austin has released a study showing large gaps in pay, promotions and representation between male and female professors in the university’s academic departments.

Pay gap growing for Pennsylvania working women


After making strides in the ’80s and early ’90s, working women in Pennsylvania are losing ground in their earnings compared to men, a recent study by Keystone Research Center (KRC) found. The current wage gap is about $4 per hour, with women earning an average $13.25 per hour, compared to $16.97 per hour for men.

Temp tests Woody Allen’s 80% theory and fails


Maybe Craig Whirlow, a temp agency employee from Connellsville, is a con man. Maybe he’s just a world-class slacker. Or maybe he’s a fan of comedian and director Woody Allen, who once famously observed, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”

Calif. OT law may apply to out-of-state workers


Do you have employees who live and work in another state, but whose jobs sometimes bring them to California? Then you may be making a big overtime mistake if you pay them as if they were working in their home states.

$2.8 million will cover Kmart settlement; attorneys are extra


Judge Otis Wright II of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California recently approved a $2.8 million settlement between retailer Kmart and workers who claimed they were not compensated for meal and rest breaks.

What’s the new California law concerning wages for computer professionals?


Q. We employ a number of computer programmers at our Northern California facility. Is there a new law regarding compensation for these exempt employees?

Lawsuit: Lehman bankruptcy stiffed riffed Jersey workers


Miron Berenshteyn, a former computer programmer for Lehman Brothers in Jersey City, has filed a $5 million lawsuit alleging the company violated the federal and New Jersey WARN Acts when it laid off more than 100 workers in September.

Ever send workers to California? Read on!


Do you have employees who live and work in your home state, but whose jobs sometimes take them to California? Then you may be making a big overtime mistake if you pay them as as usual. A federal court has just issued a key ruling on California’s generous OT law.

California labor laws apply to nonresidents who perform work in the state, court rules


If your organization sends employees into California to do work, take note of an important new 9th Circuit ruling.

Must we pay for hours lost due to power failure?


Q. We recently had a power outage and called employees who weren’t in yet to tell them to come in when the power was back up. We then gave these people a chance to make up the lost time by working late or using paid time off. Do we have to pay them for the hours they missed?