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Wages & Hours

Do your obligations follow digital nomads?

Many employees who worked remotely through the pandemic will soon begin returning to work in person this fall. Before then, however, many of your pandemic teleworkers are likely planning to hit the road this summer—and taking their laptops with them as they can continue to work remotely from some location away from home. Here’s what to consider before giving them the green light.

Labor crunch: Lure applicants with higher pay

The post-pandemic economy is showing signs of a solid recovery. Businesses that sell goods and services are gearing up to satisfy pent-up demand. But first they need to hire staff, and that is proving to be a challenge, even as the unemployment rate continued to hover around 6.1% in April.

Employment law changes: What to expect into 2022

Paid sick leave—an issue supported by President Biden and gaining steam in state legislatures—is the top legislative issue that employers expect to impact their businesses over the next 12 months, according to a new Littler survey of 1,100 HR professionals and in-house attorneys.

$150M reminder: Beware ‘predictive scheduling’ laws

A growing number of states and cities (including Oregon, New York City and Chicago) have new laws requiring employers to give workers advance notice of their upcoming schedules and any changes.

Pay equity group alleges tip credit perpetuates racism

Many tipped workers wind up earning far more than the $7.25 minimum when tippers are generous. But some patrons are cheapskates (or worse) who may tip far less because they harbor racist views. That problem is the basis of a recent lawsuit.

Parts of new tip rule delayed

Now delayed until at least Dec. 31 are provisions related to assessing monetary penalties against employers that violate rules for paying a tip credit to tipped workers.

Minimum wage for fed contractor employees going up to $15 per hour

President Biden signed an executive order April 27 raising the minimum wage federal contractors must pay employees to $15 per hour, starting next year.

Snapshot: Most Americans favor $15 minimum wage

Even 71% of those who oppose a $15-per-hour minimum wage are in favor of raising it to some lesser amount.

Your vaccination decisions: 5 key issues to consider

You should absolutely formalize your decisions in a written vaccination policy that you provide to each employee, so that everyone is on the same page as to your requirements and expectations. Here are the five key considerations that should be front of mind.

Pay employees for pre-shift COVID screening

To decide if you must pay employees for their pre- or post-work activities—such as putting on uniforms, waiting in a time-clock line, etc.—take a look at the Fair Labor Standards Act. The main issue is whether the pre- or post-activity is “integral” and “indispensable” to the employee’s principal activity.