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Wages & Hours

May we ask employees to ‘volunteer’ their time?


Q. We are considering asking our employees to donate some time back to the company as a way to save costs and avoid having to lay off anyone. By “donate time” I mean working one or more hours per week without pay. Is this legal?

Problem Solved: Real People … Real Comp & Benefits Solutions, July ’09


This month’s collection of real-world quick tips from American business leaders, brought to you by members of The Alternative Board.

Rules of the road: Know when to pay hourly employees for travel time

You don’t need to pay nonexempt employees for their commuting time to and from the workplace. That’s simple. But what if such employees occasionally travel off-site (or even overnight) for work reasons?

Economy has workers saying ‘no’ to vacation, ‘yes’ to OT


Vacations appear to be another victim of Americans’ tight budgets and layoff fears. More than one-third of workers say they won’t use all their allotted vacation time this year, and just 39% plan to take one compete week off …

Must we pay out unused vacation days when we fire employees or they quit?


Q. Is an employer required to pay workers for their unused vacation days when they resign or are terminated?

Lessons from the Courts: June 2009


You don’t have to tolerate foul language … Customer gripe caused firing? Get it in writing … Ledbetter Act already spurring more pay cases … Track when you notify worker of firing … No signature? Settlement may still be binding.

Payroll pain: Can we ask staff to work for no pay?


Q. We are having trouble making payroll and have asked our employees to give up pay for 20 hours per month while they work their regular schedules. Can we do this? Or should we just cut their salaries or hourly wages to make up the difference?

When must we pay for travel time?


Q. Some of our employees travel out of the country on business. We provide a per diem amount for meals, etc. Is there any requirement regarding when we must start the per diem clock ticking? For example, if someone leaves on a trip Friday afternoon and returns Monday morning, do we have to pay for four full days?

Look for hiring trends that could signal bias—you might just avoid a huge jury award


Most applicants who aren’t hired just go away. But sometimes they don’t—and then it’s time to watch out! A rejected applicant can play the discrimination card, possibly costing you an expensive jury award. That’s one good reason to check your hiring practices for hidden bias.

Evaluate work before switching to full time


Some part-timers naturally want to move up to a full-time position. But when they apply and aren’t selected, they may claim they were turned down because of some form of discrimination—even if the real reason was that they weren’t performing well in their part-time roles.