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Wages & Hours

New tipped-worker 30-minute rule challenged

The Restaurant Law Center has sued the DOL to reverse a new rule requiring tipped workers who spend more than 30 consecutive minutes performing nontipped tasks to receive the full minimum wage for time exceeding 30 minutes.

Beware pay cuts that disadvantage minorities

Many employees who began working remotely two years ago decided to relocate to areas with low costs of living.  Some employers responded by cutting relocated workers’ pay—not always a popular practice, but somewhat defensible. But that calculus could trigger legal trouble, potentially affecting some protected classes of employees more than others.

3 steps toward pay transparency for new hires

More employers seeking a recruiting advantage in today’s tight labor market have started advertising exactly how much they’re paying. It might be time for you to try that bold tactic, too.

Never manipulate pay or hours to avoid OT

Tempted to play loose with the overtime rules to save money on labor? Bad idea. You will attract the Department of Labor’s attention.

DOL wants 100 more wage inspectors

Look for the Department of Labor to ramp up enforcement in coming months. The DOL announced Feb. 1 that it plans to add 100 investigators to the Wage and Hour Division, bolstering oversight of the Fair Labor Standards Act and other laws that affect compensation.

DOL, NLRB teaming up on wage-and-hour enforcement

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and the National Labor Relations Board have formally agreed to collaborate on an array of information-sharing, investigation and enforcement activities.

Only 23% say their employer is transparent about pay

A new survey by Salary.com reveals that employees perceive a pervasive lack of pay transparency and pay equity at their organizations.

Make it easier to hire by disclosing up front what you will pay

The Great Resignation remains in full swing, and that’s putting pressure on employers struggling to hire new workers, forcing them to revisit their compensation policies. Many employers are jumping aboard 2022’s hottest HR trend, stating at the very outset of the hiring process how much they will pay.

Wage suits fuel class-action settlement record

If even one employee decides to sue you for alleged wage-and-hour violations, brace yourself for a class-action lawsuit that could cost you a fortune. That’s the inescapable take-away from the Seyfarth Shaw law firm’s annual Workplace Class Action Litigation Report.

Inflation has wiped out gains from big pay raises

Despite strong wage growth in the last 12 months, Americans’ purchasing power has actually declined. Blame inflation that economists say has been fueled by coronavirus-related problems.