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Wages & Hours

Must we pay for lactation breaks?

Q. Are employers required to pay employees for break time taken under the Nursing Mothers Law?

What are the new rules affecting breastfeeding?

Q. What does the Break Time for Nursing Mothers Law (also known as the Nursing Mothers Law) contained in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) require of employers?

Must we pay for lactation breaks?

Q. We run a manufacturing plant. Our break policy allows employees to take up to two breaks each shift to use the restroom. As long as the employees return to their posts within 10 minutes, the breaks are paid. We have an employee who is nursing and using her breaks to express breast milk. This usually takes about 15 minutes each break. Can we treat these breaks as unpaid?

Is it OK to pay an exempt employee an hourly wage for taking on nonexempt work?

Q. We recently advertised internally for a current employee to do six to eight hours per week of office cleaning for an hourly wage. An exempt employee responded indicating that he would like the extra pay. Is it OK to pay him the hourly rate for his share of the cleaning work in addition to his salary?

Equal Pay Act


HR Law 101: The Equal Pay Act of 1963 prohibits employers from paying different wages on the basis of gender for “equal work on jobs the performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility and which are performed under similar working conditions…” Female employees must also receive the same level of benefits as their male colleagues …

New wage order means pay changes for hospitality employers

New York employers in the hotel and restaurant industry have a new pay rule to work with, changing how tip income is handled and tweaking other details that affect how much pay workers take home.

Employees’ pockets picked while being frisked?

Employees at Century 21 Department Stores in New York City and Long Island undergo searches every time they leave the store for breaks and at the end of the day. They say the process sometimes takes 15 minutes or longer. The problem: Century 21 makes them clock out first. Employees say that violates the FLSA.

Will bonuses affect employees’ ‘regular rate’ when calculating overtime pay under the FLSA?

Q. We want to offer incentive bonuses to hourly workers in order to increase business and productivity. Will these bonuses affect the employees’ “regular rate” under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for purposes of overtime calculation?

Texas deadlines tighter than Ledbetter Act’s

A Texas appeals court has ruled that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 doesn’t change the deadline for filing a claim under the Texas Labor Code. Employees still have to use the pay decision date as the start of the filing deadline.

Track every step in your promotion process


Employees can be ungrateful. Sometimes, they’ll turn down promotion offers because the deal isn’t sweet enough—and then sue, alleging that low pay was evidence of bias. Win those cases by producing documentation of the entire promotion process, including how you set pay.