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Wages & Hours

Given California’s strict break rules, can employees work through lunch?

Q. We give our employees the opportunity to take up to a one-hour lunch break every day. However, several of our employees have requested to work through their lunch break in order to leave work earlier. Is this legal?

The 8 most common overtime errors and how to fix them

If your company is like most and cutting costs is a top priority, reducing overtime expenditures can make a big difference. Be careful with how you go about reining in overtime, though. Here are the eight most common OT errors you must avoid.

E-pay progress: Make the move to pay cards

Is your direct deposit campaign a little long in the tooth? Now may be the best time to update your compensation sys­tem by adding pay cards to the mix. But before you call your payroll provider or bank to set up a pay card option, understand that there are legal and practical pitfalls you must avoid.

Court: Compensation based on employees’ market value may correct past pay bias

Ever since Congress passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, employers have had to struggle with evaluating their compensation plans to make sure they aren’t perpetuating past pay discrimination. Now a federal judge has suggested that a better approach to fixing the problem may be found in the free market. If employers use the market value of jobs as a major factor in setting compensation, then even those whose pay is lower than it would be without past discrimination will be paid fairly because their increases will be greater.

Set salaries with help from most reputable web sites

As hiring picks up due to the firming economy, organizations want to offer competitive salaries that aren’t inordinately lower or higher than those available from competitors. Here are the most reputable web sites that track pay for hundreds of professions and specialties.

It’s legit: Use differences in location and responsibilities to justify variable pay scales


Here’s something to consider when setting pay rates for jobs in different locations and with slightly different responsibilities: Under the Equal Pay Act, employers can set different salaries based on geographically distinct job locations.

Use tip credit for some pay? Beware requiring ‘substantial’ work that doesn’t generate tips

Employers must be careful not to give tipped employees too many additional duties to complete before, during or after their tip-generating activities. If more than about 20% of their time is spent on such activities, you may have to pay them the full minimum wage for those hours, regardless of how much they earn in tips during the shift.

IRS ramps up HIRE correspondence audits

You knew it was going to happen. With so much revenue at stake, the IRS has begun correspondence audits of employers that claimed the 6.2% Social Secur­ity credit against wages paid to new hires under the 2010 Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act.

DOL dogs animal hospital to make good on OT violations

Pleasant Run-based Hamilton Avenue Animal Hospital faces a wage-and-hour lawsuit after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation found the owners forced employees to pay back overtime they had received.

N.Y. offers tools for Wage Theft Prevention Act compliance

The New York State Department of Labor has issued notification templates New York employers can use to comply with the state’s new Wage Theft Prevention Act. The law, which went into effect April 9, requires employers to provide every employee with a statement detailing the following information: