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Wages & Hours

DOL offers online training on prevailing-wage compliance

Complying with prevailing-wage regulations can be tricky. To make it easier, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division is conducting two free online seminars.

Ensure exempt teleworkers are properly classified

If you have exempt employees who work remotely, be sure they really are exempt. It’s important because it is difficult to track teleworkers’ time. If they have been misclassified, you could violate the Fair Labor Standards Act in two ways: failing to pay overtime and failing to properly track all hours worked.

Tight labor market to drive higher pay in 2023

Salary budgets for U.S. employees are projected to increase in 2023, mainly influenced by a labor market with more open jobs than people to fill them.

Consider trading telework for lower pay

Asking employees to take a pay cut in exchange for the flexibility of working remotely could help you attract and retain workers while also reducing payroll costs. It’s a trend that is gathering steam according to a recent report by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Biden’s White House will be first to pay its interns

To determine if interns should be paid, the Department of Labor and the courts have used a primary-beneficiary test, which looks at who benefits most—the employer or the intern.

Survey: HR pros concerned about effects of inflation

Inflation and its effect on employees and their organizations’ compensation strategies is a significant concern for 73% of HR professionals polled earlier this month by the Society for Human Resource Management.

Learn from Google’s $118 million pay-equity lesson

Many employers regularly conduct equity studies to make sure their pay policies don’t discriminate based on gender, race or other protected characteristics. It’s considered a best practice to outsource those studies in order to blunt criticism that an internal review wasn’t thorough or accurate.

New overtime rules due in October, likely raising salary threshold to $50K

According to the Biden administration’s regulatory agenda, released June 21, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division plans to float a notice of proposed rulemaking concerning executive, administrative and professional exemptions from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime requirements.

Tell bosses: Don’t pester teleworkers after hours

If you have hourly employees working from home, make sure their supervisors understand their role in preventing surprise wage-and-hour claims.

State, local minimum wages set to increase on July 1

Be prepared for these changes.