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Wages & Hours

Beware seeking exemptions under Motor Carrier Act

Some employers think they can classify truck drivers as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act by relying on the federal Motor Car­rier Act. But that’s tricky. To be covered by the MCA, the drivers must cross state lines while doing their jobs.

Beware the tipping point: Setting up tip pool often requires expert legal advice

Restaurants that use tip pools and rely on the tip credit to justify paying their employees $2.13 per hour rather than the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour often grapple with which employees can be included in the pool. It’s not always clear.

What are the rules on setting a late policy?

Q, We would like to institute a rule subjecting em­­ployees to discipline for clocking in late. Are we permitted to do this even though we round our employees’ time to the nearest quarter-hour?

What can we do about an employee who racked up hours of unauthorized overtime?

Q. We orally warned an employee not to work overtime. Recently, he claimed to have worked 56 hours straight, eating and sleeping only on regular break times. The timecards say he was here, but we don’t have any night staff, so we can’t verify if he was actually at work. Is there anything we can do?

Feds offer partial amnesty for contractor misclassification

If you’ve been worried that some of your workers may be incorrectly classified as independent contractors, but leery about opening a legal can of worms to fix potential problems, Uncle Sam is offering to cut you a break. Learn about a new program designed to help you get your records in order—and avoid penalties.

End the silence: The case against secret salaries


It’s a golden rule in most businesses: Salaries must be kept secret. It’s almost universally accepted that mayhem would ensue in the workplace if people knew what their co-workers, their managers or—gasp—the CEO was making. Three major reasons why secret salaries are silly, according to consultant Alexander Kjerulf:

L.A. ‘hostess’ dancers sue for wage violations, harassment

A group of dancers at a Los Angeles “hostess club” are suing for wage-and-hour violations, claiming the owners of Club 907 also subjected them to “exploitative, substandard and degrading working conditions.”

Does San Francisco car wash soak its Latino workers?

The city of San Francisco has filed suit against a car wash for overtime and waiting-time violations. City Attorney Dennis Herrera and La Raza Centro Legal allege that Tower Car Wash, which has a contract with San Francisco to wash city-owned vehicles, failed to pay employees for the hours between when they arrive at work and when they’re permitted to clock in.

How can we recoup stolen money?

Q. We just fired an employee after discovering that he stole $5,000 from the company. Do we have to pay the employee his final paycheck or can we apply that paycheck toward the $5,000 he owes us?

Electrolux redux: Ramadan schedules still in dispute

Last year, Electrolux agreed to adjust its break schedule to accommodate Muslim employees working the evening shift at its St. Cloud plant. The EEOC mediated last year’s agreement in a process that was hailed as a model of cooperation between the employer, employees and the federal government. Problem solved, right? Not so fast.