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Wages & Hours

Will the reduced FICA tax rate stay or go?

When the congressional “Supercommittee” failed to reach a ­deficit-reduction deal in November, it also punted on renewing the so-called payroll tax holiday. If Congress doesn’t act before Jan. 1, the pre-2011 rate will go back into effect, costing the average American worker about $900 in take-home pay in 2012.

Beware schedule changes that lower pay! They could trigger discrimination lawsuits

When an employee’s workload is reduced and her pay declines because she’s working fewer hours, she may be able to sue. The pay reduction qualifies as an adverse action, which can trigger litigation.

Minimum wages to rise in 10 states in 2012

Without any action by their legislatures, employers in 10 states will experience increases in their minimum wage rates in 2012 because those states tie annual increases in their wage floor to increases in the cost of living.

Ohio’s minimum wage rises to $7.70 per hour


Effective Jan. 1, 2012, Ohio’s state minimum wage rises from $7.40 per hour to $7.70 per hour. The minimum wage for tipped employees increases to $3.85 per hour. Employers must still ensure that tipped workers’ wages and tips add up to the state’s new minimum wage of $7.70.

ARIZONA: Payroll law update, July-Dec. 2011

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COLORADO: Payroll law update, July-Dec. 2011

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FLORIDA: Payroll law update, July-Dec. 2011

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MARYLAND: Payroll law update, July-Dec. 2011

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MONTANA: Payroll law update, July-Dec. 2011

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OHIO: Payroll law update, July-Dec. 2011

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