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Wages & Hours

Pay cut for poor work? Document carefully

If an employee isn’t working as hard as you expect, reducing his pay might conceivably provide enough of a kick in the pants that he’ll pick up the pace. As long as you carefully document why you are making the pay cut, he won’t win a discrimination case even if his pay puts him at a lower level than others outside his protected class who perform the same job.

‘Black Swan’ interns sue, say they should have been paid

Fox-Searchlight Pictures faces a class-action lawsuit in New York from un­paid interns who worked on the production of the hit film “Black Swan.” The interns claim Fox-Searchlight failed to pay them for their work in violation of the FLSA and re­­cent DOL guidelines.

President proposes new pay rules for home health workers

In an attempt to right what he ­­per­­ceives to be a wrong-headed Supreme Court decision, Presi­dent Obama is asking the U.S. De­­­part­­ment of Labor to change Fair Labor Stand­­ards Act regulations covering home health care workers.

Get expert help when classifying commercial drivers

Here’s a bit of advice to any employer using commercial drivers in their enterprise: Before concluding those employees are exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act because they’re covered by the Motor Carrier Act, call your attorney.

President proposes new pay rules for home health workers

In an attempt to right what he ­­per­­ceives to be a wrong-headed Supreme Court decision, Presi­dent Obama is asking the DOL to change Fair Labor Stand­­ards Act regulations covering home health care workers.

How to ward off some class-action pay-bias suits: Grant managers limited discretion to set pay


Do your managers have limited discretion in setting pay? If so, you may have a built-in way to prevent large class-action lawsuits over equal pay. It’s all because of last summer’s big Supreme Court decision in Wal-Mart, Inc. v. Dukes.

Is it legal to lower salesperson’s pay?

Q. We are planning to change a salesperson’s pay from straight salary to a lower salary plus commission. Can we do this without violating wage laws?

Can we dock exempts for snow-day absences?

Q. Due to recent snowstorms, some exempt employees have not been able to get to work. Can we dock the pay or accrued leave of employees who do not come to work? Can we do so even if the office is closed?

President proposes new pay rules for home health workers


In an attempt to right what he ­­per­­ceives to be a wrong-headed Supreme Court decision, Presi­dent Obama is asking the DOL to change FLSA regulations covering home health care workers. Those workers have been exempt from the law since 1974 when the DOL lumped the workers into a “companion” category along with baby sitters and nannies.

Employee worked through break? You must pay

Many employers automatically deduct meal period breaks from time worked to simplify wage-and-hour calculations. That’s fine, but you must make sure there is an easy way for employees who work through their meal breaks to report the additional paid time.