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ERISA can send contract case to federal court


Employment agreements are contracts. When disputes arise, they’re typically litigated in state courts because they involve state contract laws. But under the right circumstances, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) may apply to the agreement, effectively making the contract a protected benefit plan.

Rebound? Compensation up, but health costs remain high


A new Watson Wyatt survey says 44% of employers plan to reverse pay cuts made during the recession. That’s up from 30% in June. Also, about one-third of employers plan to unfreeze salaries, up from 17%.

Study: 401(k) matches a victim of recession


On top of the declining value of their investments, many employees also saw their employers’ 401(k) matching contributions disappear during the recession. A Grant Thornton survey found that 29% of companies reduced or intend to modify their contributions to employees’ 401(k) accounts.

Chicago investment guru ‘stripped’ of $50 million


The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a $50 million judgment against Chicago investment advisor John Orecchio for using money from six union pensions for his own private business interests. According to the SEC, Orecchio used pension assets to pay for private jet travel, Super Bowl tickets, construction at his Michigan horse farm and renovations to a Detroit strip club he owns.

AIG settles with Ohio pensions that claimed excessive losses


Insurance giant AIG has settled a dispute with three Ohio public employee pensions for $115 million. All of  them claimed AIG, its top executives and related firms used anti-competitive practices and fraudulent accounting that led to massive losses for the pensions.

Study shows employers cutting 401(k) matches


Employees depending on 401(k) accounts for retirement are getting another shock courtesy of the economic meltdown. According to a survey by accounting firm Grant Thornton, 29% of companies have modified or intend to modify their contributions to employees’ 401(k) accounts.

No joint employer liability under ERISA


The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requires employers to follow the terms of their collective bargaining agreements when they contribute to employee benefit plans. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to extend the concept of “joint employer” to ERISA’s collective bargaining agreement provision when the second entity has not signed that agreement.

Uncle Sam assumes Delphi’s pension obligations


In a complicated settlement, the Pension Guaranty Benefit Corporation (PGBC) has assumed the pension obligations of auto parts manufacturer Delphi Corp., formerly owned by General Motors. Delphi, which recently closed plants in Ohio and other states, has been in bankruptcy the past four years. However, it has continued to make pension contributions.

Study shows employers cutting 401(k) matches


According to a survey by accounting firm Grant Thornton, 29% of companies have reduced or intend to otherwise modify their contributions to employees’ 401(k) accounts. Of those employers, two-thirds have eliminated matching contributions altogether.

HR & the recession: 7 trends, 7 solutions


If you read only headlines, you may think U.S. employers are slashing employee benefits to the bone. Not so. But the weak economy is forcing organizations and their employees to make some tough choices, particularly in compensation and benefits. Here are seven key HR trends to look for, plus tips on how to respond.