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Employees with less than $1,000 in retirement savings

Employees know they should save for retirement. Nevertheless, the percentage of employees with less than $1,000 socked away has risen substantially since the economic collapse of 2008.

Credit blind faith: Retirement confidence rises

Americans are more confident that they’ll be able to retire comfortably than they have been in years, but their confidence may be based on little more than wishful thinking. That’s one way to read the results of the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 24th annual Retirement Confidence Survey.

Most indexed 401(k)s beat managed funds

Only about 20% of managed 401(k) funds deliver better returns that those that are simply indexed to broader market performance, according to research conducted by the Vanguard mutual fund investment company.

New voluntary retirement savings program proposed

Sen. Tom Harkin, D–Iowa, has introduced legislation to create a new government-backed private pension system allowing employees to put away up to 6% of pay each year.

Cash-strapped still raiding 401(k)s to pay the bills

Here’s another sign that, while the economy is generally improving, flush times can still be elusive for individuals. Fully 35% of people who voluntarily or involuntarily left their jobs last year cashed out their retirement savings instead of keeping their money in tax-advantaged accounts.

Tell young workers: You can fund retirement

Here’s good news to pass along to younger workers in your organization: It is possible to fund a comfortable retirement—if you start contributing to your 401(k) now and commit to doing so throughout your career.

Boomers plan to keep working … and working …

A new Gallup poll finds that 49% of baby boomers (born from 1946 to 1964) don’t plan to retire until after age 65—if they ever retire at all.

New myRAs seek to spur retirement savings among low-income workers

In his State of the Union address, President Obama announced that he was directing the Treasury Department to create “myRA”—a government-backed affordable “starter retirement savings account that will help millions of low- and middle-income Americans begin to save for retirement.”

Boomers ‘terrified’ of out-of-control health care costs

More than three in five (61%) pre-retirees now say they are “terrified” of what health care costs may do to their retirement plans, according to a new Harris poll.

Philadelphia Archdiocese freezes educators’ pension plan

The Philadelphia Catholic Arch­­diocese has frozen a defined-benefit pension plan for its 8,500 parochial school teachers and support staff. The move comes as the archdiocese wrestles with a $150 million pension deficit.