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Uncle Sam is getting rich on 401(k) withdrawals

Employees who made early withdrawals from their 401(k) retirement savings plans paid $5.7 billion in penalties to the IRS in 2011, the most recent year for which data are available.

Retirement trumps health in benefits survey

Employees are more satisfied with their company-sponsored retirement benefits than they were five years ago, but satisfaction with health care benefits, especially the cost of medical benefits, has declined, according to a new survey by the Towers Watson consulting firm.

401(k)s must recognize same-sex spouses

The fallout from the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2013 U.S. v. Wind­­sor decision continues to affect employers. The IRS now says that 401(k) plans that define marriage and spouses in terms of heterosexuality must be amended to define those terms in a gender-neutral way.

Are Millennials gun-shy or savvy retirement planners?

A recent Gallup poll drew lots of media attention with the news that younger workers were so battle-scarred by the Great Recession that they no longer trust stocks as a safe place to park their retirement investments. Wait a minute, said Fidelity Investments, the nation’s largest 401(k) provider.

Poll: Can a 401(k) fund retirement?

Americans’ confidence in their 401(k) plans took a big hit in the economic collapse of 2008. Then, 54% thought they could fund retirement via their 401(k)s. Now, less than half do.

Oakland trucking company restores nearly $2M to 401(k)s

Oakland-based Lange Trucking and its owners shortchanged their employees’ 401(k) program by nearly $2 million, according to a U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division investigation.

Out with the old? Not so fast!

A survey of chief financial officers by Robert Half reveals that fewer than one-third fret that a mass exodus of experienced, mature employees could leave the company without leaders and legacy knowledge.

Retirement is biggest financial worry

Not having enough money for retirement tops the list of money woes that have Americans “very” or “moderately worried,” according to a new poll.

Regardless of age, we’re mostly conservative retirement investors

Asked whether they prefer retirement investments that are secure with low growth potential, or high growth with lots of risk, this is what working-age investors said.

Employees with less than $1,000 in retirement savings

Employees know they should save for retirement. Nevertheless, the percentage of employees with less than $1,000 socked away has risen substantially since the economic collapse of 2008.