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How much will that 401(k) really buy at retirement age?


The average 401(k) balance on retirement accounts registered with the Vanguard mutual fund company was $101,650 in mid-2014. That’s up a whopping 80% since the end of 2008.

How to keep baby boomers on board: 4 keys

Get ready for an experienced cadre of workers who just won’t leave. As long as they want to stay at your company, you might as well maximize their potential.

5 ways employees can build financial security

Employees whose financial affairs are in order can focus more on work and less on money worries at home. If you offer financial literacy training as an employee benefit, include these tips from the Center for Household Financial Stability at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Feds’ myRA retirement plan now open for business

It’s now possible to offer your employees a secure retirement savings account at no cost to you. The federally insured myRA program that President Obama announced in his 2014 State of the Union address is now accepting enrollees.

Retirement savings: Your next mandatory benefit?

Illinois employers must begin offering a retirement savings plan to employees starting in June 2017. Gov. Pat Quinn signed the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act on Jan. 4, making Illinois the first state to require employers to provide retirement benefits.

Austin bus company to pay $655K to settle labor dispute

Travis Transit Management of Austin has agreed to pay 600 current and former employees $655,000 to settle charges it unilaterally changed employee health, retirement and other benefits when it began providing bus service for Austin’s Capital Metro in 2012.

Pension Benefits: ERISA Rules


HR Law 101: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) governs the administration of employee retirement plans. Pension plans fall into two major categories: qualified and nonqualified plans …

Study: 2008 market crash delayed retirement for 23%

Among the victims of the Great Recession of 2008-2009 were the retirement expectations of many Americans. New research from the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute has quantified just how much those hopes suffered.

Benefits: Should we put details in the employee handbook or the Summary Plan Description?

Q. Should a small business employee handbook include a safe-harbor clause under the benefits section for their 401k plan? In the past, the benefits information in the handbook has been limited because it can change so often. Instead, the handbook just points the employee to the summary plan documents.

Employees can sock away more for retirement next year

The amount employees can contribute to their 401(k) or 403(b) plan accounts increases to $18,000 for 2015, the IRS has announced.