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Your retirement benefits options defined

It pays to understand your different retirement options.

DOL secures judgment against retirement plan fiduciary

The U.S. Department of Labor has secured a judgment against a San Jose construction firm after an investigation revealed that employee contributions to the company’s retirement plan were never deposited.

New fiduciary standard could affect 401(k) rollovers

The DOL has issued a final rule requiring retirement advisors to tell clients if they receive commissions for recommendations.

Snapshot: Huge gap between retirement ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’

How much do you have save for your retirement?

Report: 401(k)s leave most unprepared to retire

The shift from pensions to 401(k)plans has failed most American workers and disproportionately harmed disadvantaged groups, according to a new report from the Economic Policy Institute think tank.

DOL sues to wind down old 401(k) in Eagan

We’ve all seen those commercials asking if employees have left something behind at an old employer such as an old 401(k) plan. Well, if the U.S. Department of Labor allegations are true, Carr Freight Systems forgot about its plan as well.

Avoid age-bias risk when talking retirement


Supervisors and HR walk a legal tightrope when discussing retirement plans with older workers. If it appears you’re pushing an employee out the door based on his age—or if you suddenly eliminate his position after discussing retirement—you’ll be setting yourself up for an age discrimination lawsuit.

IRS: Retirement plan limits will remain steady in 2016

For the most part, the annual caps on 401(k) and other defined contribution retirement plans for defined benefit pension plans will stay the same from 2015 to 2016.

Retirement crisis continues: Median savings just $2,500

The typical working household has virtually no retirement savings, according to a study by the nonprofit National Institute on Retirement Security. When all households are included—not just those with retirement accounts—median retirement savings added up to just $2,500.

DOL pushes retirement advice rule change

Public comments closed last month on a proposed DOL rule to redefine the conflict-of-interest standard retirement plan fiduciaries must meet. It’s part of an Obama administration effort to require defined-contribution retirement-plan advisors to act in account holders’ best interests, not just provide “suitable” advice, as the law currently requires.