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Fearing retirement, workers worry about Social Security

The legacy of the 2008 economic crash still has many Americans stressed about their fiscal futures even as they near retirement age.

Women taking time off worry about retirement

Half of working women who have taken time off to care for a family member worry that their retirement security will suffer as a result.

For some, need for benefits delays retirement

If demography is destiny, the American workforce is going to continue to get older as baby boomers age … and keep showing up for work.

Student loans get in the way of retirement savings

A new survey found that employees with student loans can continue to feel the strain into their retirement years.

EBSA brings shocking charges against Exton, Pa., electrical firm

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Admini­stration has charged Keares Electrical Contracting in Exton, Pa., with failing to make required contributions to the company’s 401(k) retirement plan.

California Supreme Court’s clear conclusion: For pay purposes, retiring is quitting

In California, the same pay rules apply to retirement as they do for someone who quits.

Small businesses shifting focus to retirement benefits

Small business owners are finding that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has decreased the appeal of health care benefits to employees and increased retirement plans’ importance as a tool to recruit and retain employees.

Suit claims NYU retirement plan offered too many choices

New York University is one of eight large universities facing litigation over its retirement plan.

DOL rule clears the way for state-run retirement savings plans

A new Department of Labor rule will make it easier for states to establish retirement savings plans for employees of organizations that do not offer retirement benefits.

Free resources for offering myRA benefits available on web

The Department of Labor has rolled out a website full of resources for employers that want to help employees set up retirement savings accounts through Uncle Sam’s myRA program.