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Global retirement fund assets climb to record $58.5 trillion

That compares with $55.7 trillion at the end of 2023, when the same study measured a return to growth after the sharp fall in global retirement fund assets in 2022.

More flexibility for 401(k) matching funds? IRS open to applying them to other expenses

For many employees, access to an employer-sponsored 401(k) retirement plan is one of the most highly prized benefits. Employers often match employee contributions up to a certain percentage of an employee’s annual salary, essentially doubling that employee’s contribution towards retirement. But younger employees tend to leave some of that free money on the table because they can’t afford to contribute their share.

Roundup: SECURE 2.0 provisions becoming effective in 2025

We’ve written 10 blogs so far on the challenges associated with implementing SECURE 2.0. Most of these provisions become effective with either the 2025 calendar year or plan year. Today we’re providing general descriptions of these provisions so you can have them in one handy place.

Survey: 58% retired earlier than planned

There has been a spike in early retirements due to reasons beyond employees’ control, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s just-released 2024 Spending in Retirement study. Health problems, disabilities and changes in employment because of downsizing, business closures and reorganizations have led many to retire earlier than they planned to.

IRS announces 2025 401(k) contribution limits, other pension plan limitations

The IRS has finally released the 2025 inflation adjustments to 401(k) plans, as well as adjustments to other popular benefits.

Retirement-readiness shocker: Healthier, wealthier retirees more satisfied

There is a strong correlation between health, wealth and retirement satisfaction, according to new research by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. The group’s study found that people in good health were more likely to be satisfied with their retirement, regardless of their financial situation.

10 low-cost communication tips to start open enrollment right

With benefits election open-enrollment season looming at organizations across the country, make sure you avoid the mistake too many employers make: plopping a benefits booklet in front of employees and telling them to figure it out. That just doesn’t work anymore. Benefits have become too complex for employees to figure them out on their own. Here are 10 ways you can do a better job of communicating with your employees.

Guidance clarifies student loan 401(k) matches

Beginning with the 2024 plan year, SECURE 2.0, the 2022 401(k) reform law, allows you to make matching contributions into the 401(k) accounts of employees who self-certify that they’re repaying their student loans. Interim guidance issued by the IRS describes the self-certification process and sets other rules.

Retirees more confident about retirement income than working-age Americans are

Seventy-four percent of retired Americans say they have enough money to live comfortably. Those who haven’t yet retired aren’t nearly as confident. Only 45% of current workers believe they will have enough money socked away to retire comfortably.

Legislative milestone: ERISA turns 50

Among other things, ERISA requires sponsors of private employee benefit plans to provide participants and beneficiaries with adequate information regarding their plans. In addition, employer representatives who manage benefit plans must meet certain fiduciary standards of conduct.