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Never threaten deductions from exempts’ pay

A supervisor’s single threat leading to a salary deduction could cost your company millions.

What’s the law on how often to pay?

Q. As a new small business owner, I am unsure of the laws governing wage payment. Are there rules concerning how often I must pay my employees?

Watch out for, prepare to fix, these 6 common overtime pay errors

Failing to properly pay for all overtime hours worked could result in more financial harm than good. Here are six payroll pitfalls you must avoid.

FICA refunds due on ‘excess’ mass transit fringes

Congress’ last-minute and retroactive reinstatement of parity between mass transit benefits and employer-provided parking—to $250 a month for both, for 2014 only—is no favor to Payroll. If you allowed employees to defer more than $130 for mass transit benefits last year on an after-tax basis, or paid out of the company’s coffers, they and you are due FICA refunds on the difference—up to $120 a month.

IRS won’t bow to Tax Court in payroll tax case

Closely-held corporations and their owners can seem inseparable. But this fluidity stops at Payroll’s door—in other words, when income tax withholding begins. The IRS recently issued a document called an Action on Decision in which it said that it won’t follow a Tax Court decision that required it to honor a company’s designation of its delinquent payroll taxes as payment for a specific employee’s delinquent income taxes.

Is it double-dipping to receive both workers’ comp and Social Security benefits?

Q. Can an injured worker obtain both workers’ compensation benefits and Social Security disability benefits at the same time?

Can missed quotas add up to docked pay?

Q. Can an employee’s pay be docked for failing to meet a production quota?

How to handle unclaimed paychecks

A recent lawsuit in Delaware serves as a good reminder for employers to make sure they handle unclaimed paychecks the correct way.

March 2015: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.

Auditors get new marching orders for payroll audits

Outsourcing your payroll operations to a third party doesn’t get you off the hook for your undeposited payroll taxes, if your third party drops the ball.