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Can we demand employees fly, not drive, on trip?

Q. One of our star employees wants to drive to an upcoming trade show instead of flying like everyone else. Can we insist that he must travel by air?

Can we require e-pay in Texas?

Q. Can a Texas employer require its employees to accept payment of wages through an electronic transfer of funds?

OCSE’s FY 2017 budget includes payroll priorities

You withhold 75% of all child support payments. That’s a considerable sum. So, when the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement highlights payroll initiatives in its fiscal year 2017 budget request, Payroll managers take notice.

September 2016: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.

What a payroll mess!

Sometimes you walk into a mess and other times you have a mess thrust upon you.

Beware suspicious garnishment orders

Payday lenders are increasingly sending aggressive garnishment orders to employers that mimic legitimate administrative orders from federal agencies.

Corporation loses on salary determinations

S corps aren’t the only businesses to run up against the IRS when it comes to determining whether salaries are reasonable. Regular tax-paying C corporations run into the problem, too.

5 steps to take when an employee passes away

Beyond its obvious emotional impact, an employee’s death almost always leaves unfinished business for HR and payroll to handle.

Bring Payroll’s dog days of summer to heel

Dog days of summer slowing you down? You can tame this beast by keeping busy. Take some time now to make sure your i’s are dotted and your t’s are crossed.

California contractors must submit payroll data electronically

The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) announced in July that, starting Aug. 1, public works contractors and subcontractors once again must electronically submit certified payroll records.