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Don’t want a 401(k) plan? Beware state auto-enrollment laws

If you don’t offer a 401(k) plan now, SECURE 2.0’s requirements may be enough to dissuade you from ever offering one. But this doesn’t mean you’re totally off the hook.

November 2023: Employer’s business tax calendar

Here’s your monthly guide to critical payroll due dates.

Pre-autumn Friday wrap: MFA applies to EFTPS; the more MOUs, the merrier; e-filing updates; and more

MFA for EFTPS deposits, new DOL MOUs and more acronyms to end the week.

‘Back to school’ may mean employees need time off

Most employers are flexible about granting school-related leave, but just how far they’ll bend depends on whether employees are nonexempt or exempt and state short-term leave laws.

They didn’t seriously argue that, did they? Religion in the kitchen stirs the DOL to action

Religion in the workplace is a touchy matter. What if your boss brought in a priest and encouraged everyone to confess their sins? What if you weren’t Catholic? It’s not a hypothetical question. An employee of a California restaurant testified that his employer brought in a person identified as a priest to hear their confessions during work hours.

STOP! Do not pass go without checking with Payroll first

Employees shouldn’t be bored or discontented at work, because bored and discontented employees aren’t productive employees. But the phrase employee engagement, like the employee experience, seems like a euphemistic way of saying motivation. Why not just say motivation?

A father-daughter chat about money and financial literacy

April is National Financial Literacy Month. Payroll is the company department holding employees’ money, so take some time to educate them about it.

CHIPS, employer-provided dependent care benefits and employees’ 1040s

The Commerce Department will be doling out $50 billion to construction and chip manufacturers. Catch: Applicants requesting more than $150 million in direct funding must provide their employees with access to affordable, accessible, reliable and high-quality child care.

Never mind a recession: CFOs say they’re budgeting for higher payrolls

Almost all chief financial officers surveyed by the Gartner business advisory firm say their organizations plan to spend more on employee compensation this year. A full 86% said they plan to raise their compensation spending by at least 3% year-over-year.

First Friday in February: The end of the pandemic emergencies, DOL keeps getting into trouble and more

The end of the national pandemic emergency, challenges to DOL regulations and more.