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Attorneys’ Fees Added to Award in Wage-Collection Case


The Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collections Law, the state law that requires you to pay workers on time, also says you must pay employees’ legal fees when you violate the law …

Gear up for minimum wage hike: Notify workers, check budget


Make sure you’re ready for the state’s minimum wage increase, which takes effect Jan. 1, 2007, and will affect about 430,000 Pennsylvania workers …

Supreme Court preview: More pay-Bias lawsuits coming?


When the U.S. Supreme Court opens its new term on Oct. 2, look for a clear theme to the employment-related cases it has chosen to address: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 …

No comp time for private firms; Flex time is OK


Q. Can you please clarify if and when we can offer comp time to our employees? I’m confused. —S.L., West Virginia

Plastic paychecks save on payroll processing


Four million employees at more than 3,000 companies now collect plastic instead of paper on payday (a debit card look-alike that allows users to withdraw cash at ATMs or pay for goods at retail outlets) …

Hold firm on raises; salaries to rise 3.5 percent in ’07


Employers report that they’ll be dishing out average pay raises of 3.5 percent for exempt and nonexempt employees in 2007, the same level that they’re currently paying in 2006, according to a new Conference Board survey of 441 companies …

Will Maryland court ruling stop ‘Wal-Mart health care’ laws in other states?


Wal-Mart won a major victory this summer in the continuing battle against state lawmakers who want to impose benefit mandates on U.S. employers. Only time will tell whether that victory discourages other state legislatures from pursuing similar actions …

Heed IRS warnings about independent-contractor errors


The IRS issued a fact sheet this summer to remind employers to correctly classify workers as either independent contractors or employees. (IRS FS-2006-21) The main factor in making that decision: control …

Obtain written OK for wage deductions


Q. Our company allows employees to purchase products on an installment basis. When employees quit and haven’t yet paid the full amount, can we deduct the remainder due from their last paycheck?—K.M., Pennsylvania

Don’t dock exempt workers’ pay for lost equipment


While you can set a policy that deducts from nonexempt employees’ wages if they damage or lose company equipment, don’t extend that policy to exempt employees or you’ll risk their exemption status …