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Compensation & Benefits

Consider alternatives to cash severance

If you offer severance packages, don’t assume workers want only money. With rising health care costs, they are choosing less severance pay and more outplacement benefits, such as continued health coverage. …

Review new regulations for changing cafeteria plans

If your company offers a cafeteria benefits plan, examine new rules that the IRS and Treasury Department issued last month. The set of final regulations (T.D. 8878) and proposed regulations …

At-home workers are entitled to workers’ comp

At-home workers are entitled to workers’ comp – even if they’re injured during activities only marginally related to their job. A sales rep for an auto supply company was seriously injured after he slipped while spreading salt on his …

Don’t let tummy aches turn into entitlements

Katherine Thorson was fired for excessive absenteeism after missing four days of work due to stomach cramps and medical tests. All of her tests were normal, but weeks later (after her …

Limits on comp time for exempt employees


Q. One of my managers had to work on a holiday, and the hourly employee who worked with him got double time in addition to the holiday pay. When the salaried employee wanted to take time off shortly afterward, my boss said it was not legal to give him comp time—he would have to be paid for the holiday he worked. The employee would rather have time off. Is there no comp time for anyone? —J.W., North Carolina

Independent contractor label is no protection from overtime

In 1991, Perdue Farms Inc. changed the status of the chicken catchers at its poultry plants from employees to independent contractors, which made them ineligible …

Pay workers for travel time when you control their travel

Royal Packing Co. required its agricultural employees to travel to and from the fields each day on company-provided buses. Employees met each morning …

Be careful when altering pregnant worker’s pay


Q. If a pregnant employee is salaried and is missing two days of work a week, can we legally make her an hourly employee? When the employee was hired, her contract should have been hourly. Is it legal to change the basis of her pay now? —C.H., Michigan

Reservist leave: Know workers’ rights when duty calls

Forget the image of the “weekend warrior” serving one weekend a month and two weeks a year in the National Guard or Reserves. Uncle Sam wants your employees …

Keep your nose out of employees’ off-duty activities

The more you consider limiting the actions of workers while they’re off the clock, the closer you step toward a lawsuit. More than half the states have laws protecting …