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Compensation & Benefits

Return to work can speed recovery for injured employee

Here’s more reason to get a solid return-to-work program in place: A new report says patients have better outcomes with their injuries if they are involved in their recovery and return …

Deductions endanger exempt status

A group of New York City employees was designated as salaried and exempt from overtime, but several regulations subjected city workers to pay deductions and suspension for absences. None of these …

Tally up payroll to find out if Title VII covers you


Q. We have about 15 employees, many of whom work part time. A former employee filed a charge of discrimination against the company under Title VII. We don’t think our company is covered by Title VII because we don’t have 15 workers scheduled to work in most weeks. Do you think the case could be dismissed with that argument? —R.B., Texas

OSHA ergonomics rules to take effect Jan. 16

The Clinton administration has pushed through controversial ergonomics regulations that are to take effect four days before the inauguration. Several business groups have filed suit to block the regulations. Their …

Setting a ‘no restrictions’ policy could open you to ADA lawsuits

Rhonda Otting took leave to control her epilepsy through surgery and medication. When the doctor released her to return to work as a J.C. Penney sales associate …

Use new EEOC manual to ensure your benefits don’t discriminate

Whether you’ve been revving up employee benefits to find and keep top talent or paring them down to control costs, take a closer look at the impact. The Equal Employment …

Sexual orientation: Adapt policy to local, state law

Although Congress has debated the idea, no federal law specifically prohibits job discrimination based on an employee or applicant’s sexual orientation. Employees …

Know the law on what’s considered paid and unpaid on-call time

Electronic technicians for Oklahoma Gas & Electric were required to monitor pagers and home computers while they were on call nights and weekends. Even though …

Avoid time sheets for independent contractors


Q. Does asking independent contractors to complete a time sheet jeopardize their independent contractor status? —P.M., Washington, D.C.

Plan any deductions for personal calls


Q. We allow employees to use their company-issued cell phones for personal purposes up to a certain number of minutes every month. A recently discharged employee exceeded her monthly allotment. Can we recoup the cost of these extra minutes by withholding the amount from her last check? —P.P., South Carolina