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Compensation & Benefits

Catch up on flurry of midnight regulations

A blizzard of new regulations affecting businesses came out in the final days of the Clinton administration. The new ergonomic rules may be the most expensive in …

Fear of snakes doesn’t qualify as a disability

After a hospital switchboard operator heard that a snake had been seen in her workplace, she became hysterical and took leave for several months. When she returned, she was transferred to …

Employment law by the numbers: Know which laws to ignore

Business is booming and you’re adding staff. Along with those new workers, you may be picking up an alphabet-soup of new legal burdens that grant new rights to your employees, ADA …

State Law Varies on When Clock Tolls for Overtime


Q. What’s the definition of a standard workweek? One of our employees claims that overtime is defined as anything over eight hours per workday. Is he correct? —P.F., Minnesota

High Court to review cap on damages

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could hold down awards in workplace discrimination cases. At issue is whether a $300,000 cap on compensatory damages that …

How to respond when unions come a knockin’

No union, no problem. Right? Not really. Even if your company isn’t unionized now, you can’t afford to be oblivious. Just ask Amazon.com. In the thick of the holiday shopping …

New schedule legal, barring contract or illegal reason


Q. Our company of 15 employees manufactures labels in California. We have an employee whom we want to move from the day shift to the swing shift. Although this employee has the most seniority, he has the least experience with the presses we run during the day. When we told the employee of our plans, he said that moving him would be illegal. Is he correct? We are worried that if we move him and he quits, it won’t be the last time that we hear from him. —T.R., California

Beware of employee’s ‘Let’s Make a Deal’

HR director Cheryl Swenson didn’t wait for the standard severance package when the senior VP for human resources said her job would be eliminated. Swenson contacted the president and CEO …

Boost productivity, retention by helping staff with legal woes

Employees spend an average of 53 hours on the job each year resolving their families’ legal issues, according to a new survey by Harris Interactive. The cost in lost productivity …

Craft bonuses carefully

When a financial analyst changed jobs, he left behind $120,000 in bonuses. The bonus plan paid benefits in quarterly installments but was contingent on continued employment with the company. A New …