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Compensation & Benefits

Labor Dept: FMLA still a struggle but not a major growth barrier

While the percentage of employers who say it’s difficult to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has increased in the past five years, few companies say the law …

Keep job open for worker called to jury duty


Q. We are a small company and can’t afford to have an employee on extended leave. Can we legally terminate an employee who is called to jury duty and assigned to a lengthy trial? —J.W., New Jersey

Changing work conditions may strip worker’s exemption

As a U-Haul field manager, William Whitesides spent a lot of time on the road visiting dealerships. But soon after he had an accident, Whitesides was reassigned to office work, …

Sales staff may be exempt from minimum wage


Q. We are planning to change the pay of one employee from straight salary to a lower salary plus commission. How can we do this without violating wage law? —G.T., South Dakota

Commission must be paid at same time as wages


Q. We have a written employment contract with a worker that includes her salary, but an additional sheet attached to that outlines the commission structure. If the employee resigns with a month’s notice, what is our obligation to pay approximately $10,500 in earned commissions? —P. D., Pennsylvania

Treat unauthorized overtime as discipline issue


Q. We verbally warned an employee not to work overtime. Recently, he claimed to have worked 56 hours straight, eating and sleeping only on regular break times. The timecards say he was here, but we don’t have any night staff, so we can’t verify if he was actually at work. Is there anything we can do? —S.T., Michigan

Avoid equal pay suit by comparing employees’ duties, not titles

Laurie Howard was promoted from secretary to HR coordinator for a United Technologies Automotive plant with 53 employees, all on salary. The head of the plant recommended she be promoted …

Inability to work overtime doesn’t mean worker is disabled

As a senior train operations manager, Clyde Kellogg regularly put in 60 hours to 80 hours a week, including weekends, holidays and at home. That is, until he appeared to have …

Having a good business reason trumps speculation

After Gary Rowe had a kidney transplant, his medication was costing his employer more than $1,000 a month, and his supervisor frequently asked about his condition. When that supervisor had to …

Rein in workers’ compensation costs

Workers’ compensation insurers are ex-pecting premium hikes this year, some as much as 20 percent. Here are some ways to keep your costs down: Clamp down on cheats. Experts …