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Compensation & Benefits

Don’t ignore ergonomics

Don’t forget about ergonomics just because Congress scrapped the Clinton administration’s controversial rules. Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) can still hurt your bottom line, …

Do you have to offer COBRA? Check new IRS eligibility rule

If your company offers health insurance and has about 20 workers, look into IRS rules published this year. The federal COBRA law requires companies with 20 or more workers …

Employees don’t have to exhaust paid sick leave before taking FMLA

Russell Strickland left work early because his diabetes acted up and affected his vision. Strickland claimed he told his manager and another employee why he was leaving. But the manager …

State Family Leave Law May Ban Moonlighting


Q. We recently learned that an employee on FMLA leave is working for another company. Can we fire her? —D.G., Arizona

Unon ‘salt’ entitled to double pay.

When Ferguson Electric refused to hire David Carr because he was a union organizer, the company was found guilty of unfair labor practices and ordered to pay back wages. The company …

Illegal aliens entitled to bias protection.

The National Labor Relations Board ordered a company to reinstate workers and give them back pay for unfair labor practices. In doing so, the company’s attorney found out Jose Castro lied …

You don’t have to ignore harmful effect of absences

Calvin Keeler started as a senior vice president overseeing 85 employees. He earned bonuses exceeding $30,000 while enjoying a large office. Within a few years, he had been downgraded to a …

Overly broad noncompete deal gives you no protection at all

Pinnacle Performance Inc. hired Lynn Hessing as an independent contractor for about four months to design a card shuffler for one of its client firms. Despite having signed a two-year agreement …

High court to decide whether health plans can recoup benefits

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether health plans can sue to recover benefits from a person who also collects from another source. In the case, an insurance …

Employees must share duty in setting up accommodation

Denise Davis missed a lot of work over more than five years due to maternity leaves and her Crohn’s disease. During this time, her employer continued to accommodate Davis by …