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Compensation & Benefits

EEOC beefs up wage-bias arsenal

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is putting action behind its talk of cracking down on unequal pay. A new internal task force …

Breast-feeding: Develop wise policy for staff, customers

With half of new mothers returning to work within three months of giving birth, breast-feeding has become a hot workplace issue. The American Academy of Pediatrics …

Specify if workers must stay to collect bonuses


Q. Our company pays quarterly and annual bonuses (depending on the position). If an employee is here throughout the entire quarter/year, but leaves before the bonuses are paid out, is he still entitled to the bonus? Our company has no written documentation stating that you must be employed at the time the bonus is paid. —J.S., Colorado

Watch for warning signs of workers’ comp fraud


Q. We’ve had a number of suspicious injuries at work this year. We don’t want to jump to conclusions, but how can we determine if these injuries are part of a workers’ comp insurance fraud scheme? —K.H., Mississippi

Avoid snap decision on whether illness would qualify under FMLA

When her three-year-old son awoke with a high fever, congestion and an earache, Juanita Caldwell got permission from an assistant manager to miss her morning …

Public employers can avoid comp-time cash payouts

Public employers not only have the leeway to offer comp time to nonexempt workers, they can now force the workers to use it. Congress gave state and local governments the …

Employee leave: Step carefully through maze of FMLA, ADA

When a worker requests a leave of absence for a medical condition, it can be downright puzzling to balance the different requirements …

Don’t try docking pay for smoking breaks.

An employer who allowed his workers to take a series of short smoking breaks had to compensate them for the time. Reason: Such approved short breaks (20 minutes or less) are …

Fix classification errors promptly or ‘window of correction’ will close

A group of managers and registered nurses who worked for Santa Clara County, Calif., were classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), making …

If your employees earn tips, beware new audits this fall

Count on the IRS to resume a controversial audit program aimed at businesses that flagrantly violate tip-reporting rules. It is set to restart on Oct. 1. In addition …