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Compensation & Benefits

Enlist employees’ help to win the health-cost battle

Issue: Strong communication with employees is a vital part of controlling health care insurance costs.
Benefit: Employees who understand the forces driving up their premiums are more likely to play …

Outsource strategically; don’t follow the crowd

Issue: More organizations are jumping into outsourcing, but many aren’t impressed with the results. Risk: Farming out the wrong functions can actually lower HR efficiency. Action: Determine which functions …

Brush up on dental benefits: DR plans growing

Issue: Direct reimbursement (DR) dental plans are becoming more popular.
Benefit: DR plans can slash your dental-plan admin costs. You can even eliminate the middleman …

Spice up your holiday party, but contain costs

Does it fall on you to help organize the holiday party? If so, shake things up this year by changing the venue, possibly to a skating rink or a boat. Approach …

Prevent new-hire no-shows

As the job market heats up, more applicants will accept jobs and then back out at the last minute, or simply fail to show up on Day 1. Midlevel sales, financial …

Start shopping around for cheaper life insurance

If your organization offers life insurance benefits, now’s the time to start looking into new vendors. Reason: Premiums could decline up to 30 percent nationwide over the next few years, according …

Employees can buy OTC drugs with pretax cash

The IRS recently announced that employees can pay for over-the-counter medicine (even aspirin) with pretax dollars through their company flexible spending account (FSA) or other pretax health care plans …

Do the math before taking action
against employee on FMLA leave

When calculating an employee’s 12 weeks of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, always double-check your math, then run it by an HR boss or employment lawyer.
While you …

Be prepared to offer rock-solid reasons for pay levels

Simply said, federal law requires you to provide men and women equal pay for equal work. While some situations dictate that you set pay differentials, say, for seniority, merit or quantity …

Make Sure ‘Manual Punch’ Counts Correct Hours


Q. We use a timecard punch-in/punch-out system. If an employee forgets to punch in, and we manually do it, do any labor laws apply? —B.B., New York